Hello all,


I've written a BASIC game for the TRS-80 Model 100 and NEC PC8201A.    It is
a 3D space battle simulation.   I wish I could say it was new, but it was
something I had started back in 1978 on a DEC LSI-11.   It eventually found
its way to a 16K TRS-80 Model I Level II machine.    There were a few
iterations since the TRS-80 Model I version, but it is the TRS-80 Model I
version that I converted to the Model 100 and NEC 8201.


You can find it at www.github.com/LEJ-Projects/SpaceGame


The document, SpaceGame.pdf contains an introduction describing the history
of the game, along with a manual written by Elias S. Dennis followed by a
detailed description of the program.  This is followed by appendices for the
variable description and subroutine descriptions.


The file, SPCGAM.ba.txt is a commented version of the program.    


The file SGM100.DO is the same program but with all comments except for the
first two lines removed.   Run this on your TRS-80 model 100.    


The file, SG_NEC.DO is again the same program but the PRINT@ statements have
been replaced by a LOCATE statements so it will run on a NEC PC8201A.


CloudT_LoadingInstructions.docx is a Word document with specialized
instructions for loading SPCGAM.ba.txt into the CloudT emulator.


This game is NOT a hand eye coordination game.   This is more of a sip a
beverage, enter your move and see what happens.   It starts slow but those
running it on the CloudT emulator can mash the TURBO button to speed things
along.   Some ability to visualize three dimensions is also needed.    The
manual describes the spherical coordinate system used.   The game does not
generate any error messages but instead ignores invalid messages.    If your
command doesn't work, it may be because 1.  You're not focused on the CloudT
screen. (Not a real hardware issue), 2. Your entry isn't in all-caps.   3.
It is an illegal entry and is ignored.  Or 4.  The conditions do not exist
that make your command valid.   (You can't fire lasers without first
selecting a target).    The manual explains much of this with lots of


Please give it a try.    Have fun and good luck.


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