Is it consistent, i.e. do you always get the same garbled output for a
given file?

At a fast glance it looks like bits 2 and/or 3 are being dropped; have you
checked the computer to Pi cable and connectors?


On Sun, Mar 17, 2024 at 2:14 AM Will Senn <> wrote:

> I am finally coming back around to this. I bought a retroprinter a year
> and half ago or so and shelved it out of frustration. Now, I know a lot
> more about this sorta stuff and so I pulled it out, updated the software to
> latest and tried to get it working.
> The PI prints a test page fine, but it won't print anything I send it from
> the M100. After hours of troubleshooting, it appears that whatever codes
> the pi is sending aren't DMP-15, EPSON ESC/P or Plain Text codes... When I
> do llist, I see the data coming across to the retroprinter and have set up
> a file to capture, but I can't find anything that will make sense of the
> data.
> Here's a sample:
> 10 PRMN\ "lmllo"
> 1= RMS\ORM =0>NORM=0\O1>RMALR,M-,Q,,M-,C,,M,0-,C,,M,1->CL,M-=0>NM\\M
> 20 M=0
> 2= O=0>OOS]B<0
> 30 OOS]B<=
> It looks like reasonably valid data and not complete gibberish, but who am
> I to judge. Is it one of:
> Epson ESC/P 9 Pin - didn't work, when I tried it
> Epson ESC/P 24/48 Pin
> HP Printer (PCL3 or PCL5)
> HP Plotter (HP-GL)
> IBM ProPrinter
> Plain Text - didn't work, when I tried it
> Postscript
> Printronix-P Series
> Printronix-S Series
> Seiko QT-2100P
> Siemens PT-88
> Apple Image Writer II
> Seiko STP
> Star Micronics SP700
> Tandy DMP-105 - didn't work, when I tried it
> Help and thank you.

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