Hi Gregory,

It's all good. Everything's working now. My exacto knife fix for the solder apparently took care of things. I rebuilt the pi's image and got it working great.

1. Configure cups to your printer (mine's a Brother DCP-L2550DW, using cups-filter driver) and set the defaults to your liking (mine are):

   US Letter
   2-Sided On (Portrait)

2. Print a test page (better to know than to wonder, spoken from recent experience).

3. Change two of the settings (ssh into the pi, cd /root/config):

   echo -n "CR" > auto_linefeed
   echo -n "ANSI-4" > page_size

4. reboot the pi (some setting changes don't require them, others seem to, better safe than sorry)...

5. Test by llisting a simple listing in BASIC:


6. press F8 to get back to the menu and press enter to test screen print (not sure if any graphics will print, but the text works fine).

See the attached image (or look at the scrubbed attachment in the mailing list archive).

Absolutely uh-mazing :).


On 3/17/24 10:48 PM, Gregory McGill wrote:
Adapter was made because there was a board error on the original board. So this adapter fixes whatever was wrong. I'll see if I can get the details for you.. If it turns out to be the adapter I could probably get it replaced for you if need be or repaired.

On Sun, Mar 17, 2024, 6:47 PM Will Senn <will.s...@gmail.com> wrote:


    Looks like it was a problem with the adapter. My theory that bits
    2 and 3 were shorted (oh, that's right, not my theory, but
    Steve's) was confirmed with a few more character test. So, I
    posted in the retro printer board, sent several 'contact us' posts
    to the retro folks (their site sucks), and then...

    Full disclaimer, I am NOT a hardware guy!! But, I madly took that
    adapter apart and then after doing both sides, saw where some
    solder was bleeding over from one pin to another on the female
    side... and a bit of exacto knife wizardry later and a bit of
    worry that I'd destroy it, and voila:

    20 RMM abclmnolmnolmnopqrs|}~|}~
    30 RMM 0123<=>?<=0 -_=/_]?>/",<.>
    <0 RMM /?!@#,-^..,-

    20 REM abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
    30 REM 01234567890 -_=+[];:'",<.>
    40 REM /?!@#$%^&*()


    Now, I can go about setting this goofy retroprinter up properly.

    Thanks for the forbearance, assistance and sympathy.


    On 3/17/24 5:46 PM, Stephen Adolph wrote:
    Bit 2 shorted to bit 3?

    On Sunday, March 17, 2024, Will Senn <will.s...@gmail.com> wrote:

        I tried every config setting... twice or more :).

        It's super consistent in that bits 2, and 3, counting from
        zero, from the least significant bits, are having some kind
        of issue (they aren't always, zero, or one, but they are
        always the bits that are wrong and they are consistently
        wrong (of the 40 chars or so I tested):

        <0x7f> vs w
        00001000 (b3 1->0)

        \ vs T
        00001000 (b3 1->0)

        4 vs <
        00001000 (b3 0->1)

        5 vs =
        00001000 (b3 0->1)
        6 vs >
        00001000 (b3 0->1)

        7 vs ?
        00001000 (b3 0->1)

        8 vs <
        00000100 (b3 0->1)

        9 vs =
        00111001 (b3 0->1)

        Weird, huh? Anybody seen anything like it? Can I troubleshoot
        it with a multimeter?


        On 3/17/24 2:13 PM, Will Senn wrote:
        Yep, it's consistent. It took me a while to make some
        progress on this. I tried redoing the Centronics side of the
        cable, and here's my source vs what the pi sees:

        10 PRINT "Hello, world!"
        20 GOTO 10

        10 PRMN\ "Lmllo, orll!"
        20 OO\O 10

        I'm not sure how to troubleshoot...

        I found this in the retroprinter handbook:

        Missing Characters or Repeated Characters:
        This is generally because the equipment sending the printout
        is using
        a specific timing mechanism and not necessarily adopting the
        Centronics signal methods for acknowledgement of data.
        We have added the following configuration options to help
        This allows you to specify how the handshaking is handled
        the computer and the Retro-Printer. This can help overcome
        with lost characters or repeated characters when the equipment
        misses the busy / acknowledge signals.
        The parameter takes a value between 0 and 4.
        0 = Busy On (for 5ms), Busy Off, Ack On (for signal time),
        Ack Off
        1 = Ack On (for signal time), Busy On, Ack Off, Busy Off
        2 = Busy On (for 5ms), Ack On (for signal time), Busy Off,
        Ack Off
        3 = Ack On (for signal time), Ack Off, Busy On (for 5ms),
        Busy Off
        4 = Busy On and Ack On (for signal time), Ack Off and Busy Off
        Default is 0

        Any idea how the M100 handshakes?


        On 3/17/24 7:18 AM, Mike Stein wrote:
        Is it consistent, i.e. do you always get the same garbled
        output for a given file?

        At a fast glance it looks like bits 2 and/or 3 are being
        dropped; have you checked the computer to Pi cable and


        On Sun, Mar 17, 2024 at 2:14 AM Will Senn
        <will.s...@gmail.com> wrote:

            I am finally coming back around to this. I bought a
            retroprinter a year and half ago or so and shelved it
            out of frustration. Now, I know a lot more about this
            sorta stuff and so I pulled it out, updated the
            software to latest and tried to get it working.

            The PI prints a test page fine, but it won't print
            anything I send it from the M100. After hours of
            troubleshooting, it appears that whatever codes the pi
            is sending aren't DMP-15, EPSON ESC/P or Plain Text
            codes... When I do llist, I see the data coming across
            to the retroprinter and have set up a file to capture,
            but I can't find anything that will make sense of the

            Here's a sample:

            10 PRMN\ "lmllo"
            1= RMS\ORM
            20 M=0
            2= O=0>OOS]B<0
            30 OOS]B<=

            It looks like reasonably valid data and not complete
            gibberish, but who am I to judge. Is it one of:

            Epson ESC/P 9 Pin - didn't work, when I tried it
            Epson ESC/P 24/48 Pin
            HP Printer (PCL3 or PCL5)
            HP Plotter (HP-GL)
            IBM ProPrinter
            Plain Text- didn't work, when I tried it
            Printronix-P Series
            Printronix-S Series
            Seiko QT-2100P
            Siemens PT-88
            Apple Image Writer II
            Seiko STP
            Star Micronics SP700
            Tandy DMP-105- didn't work, when I tried it

            Help and thank you.

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