Dana Collins wrote:

My goal is to slap the card into a beige G3 desktop running at least OS 8.6,
with the DOS card running, I hope, WIN 98(se).
Is this do-able? The writer of the hack seems to think so, but no one ever
explains how to get the OS bumped up from OS 8.1 while retaining the hacked
PC DOS extensions.
Any thoughts? Experiences to share?

First thought is to install Apples 1.6.4 pcsetup and then install pcsetup 2.1.7 otherwise you lose some functionality. PcSetup can be supplied either through one of us or

The beige should cope fine, same setup as Mike D as far as I know, your choice of 8.6 is a good one, I'm told 8.5.1 is less buggy on a beige G3 but I think it should be avoilded. For anything over 8.1 use PcSetup 2.1.7
Win98se will be a stretch so max or the dos cards ram.

For a floppy boot image ask Mugwump or I can send you something to just install windows, who wonts to do dos rubbish from floppies?

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