Michael Dawe wrote:

Personally, I don't think that the "12 inch 166MHz P card" will run in a Beige G3 or later. Why? My theory is the type of RAM used on the DOS card is meaninless to the beige G3, - 5 volt EDO or FPN RAM as opposed to the beige G3's 3 volt PC1xx SDRAM - the electronic componants on the card will most likely also be incompatible.

I wouldn't know for sure either but shouldn't the dos card be self contained to a large extent and basicly ignored by the host system.

You're probably right, have been trying to do a bit more research and have found a few references to the DOS card working in G3's and G4's including b/w and later. Most references were about problems they were having though - but some were saying they run fine... There may only be one way for me to find out for sure, I guess :)

None [I've read so far] have been detailed enough, it would be nice to find something more indepth along these lines at <http://www.xlr8yourmac.com/> or similar.

Hi Mic, I hope Mic's ok, dont wont to confuse anyone. ;)

More or less the same result from the search I did.
A bit of info about problems with 1.6.4 and 8.6, a couple of lines about the 100mhz card which was more confusing than helpful and a few quote from folks who have their 166mhz card install and running in a B&W with the only tip apart from using 2.1.7 being the floppy driver. I guess the card has a preset boot order with no option to disable or bypass the non existant floppy drive.

The *other* "12 inch PR 166 card" pulled from a 4400/200, 7220/200 only, can be made to work apparently, because the RAM [and cards] voltage is the same, and by using the "I Wish I Were..." extension hack...

Did you notice that the 12 inch 166P also works in a 4400/7220 as does the 12 inch 166 performance rated PR which was made for the 4400/7220.

Yes, but not the reverse. - I also saw the warning messages from Apple about not trying cards designed specifically for the 4400/7220 in *any* other Mac....

Even when used as aboat anchor these are pretty poor excuses. If I had the choice of the pr or p to try then it would be the p for sure. Sounds like a fair warning unless you feel there is enough info to consider the wish you where here hack. I'd keep the PR for my 7220 so I could run something decent on it. Of minor interest, the 7220 is maxed out at 96mb while I imagine the dos card will go to 128mb, makes you wonder.

"There are users that have successfully installed their pc cards in Beige G3's, but you cant install them Blue and White G3's (something about power consumption)..." just found it interesting since the beige wasn't supplied with the greatest of PSU's.

I think you know my views on beige G3 PSU's :)

Indeed, the 7220 of PSU's, it makes you wonder yet again what the hell the bean counters were thinking.

Apple says the 100mhz cards are unsupported on Beige G3 while people report the 166 card working if you use a floppy driver (I'd guess that means extension) on a floppyless B&W

http://www.network54.com/Forum/30406?it=0 has quite a bit of info about Dos support and goes back a fair way.

Thanks for that link, I'd been there before rummaging around but had forgotten about it. This is about the only source I've seen in regards to these cards working in G3/G4s but the info is lacking.

Agreed. For a Dos Card forum there is not much more than snippets of info, still if the email addresses are there, why not ask? ;)

If you have a OS8 cd you might upgrade your OT to 1.1.3. It's a interesting approach as I would have been more worried about OT than PcSetup. Good to know it works.

That's a good idea, and may try it yet. OT 1.1.1/1.1.2 was easy as it's an independent install from an OS install, although the OT 1.1.2 I have needs to be installed over 1.1.1 first, there may be a full installer out there, I haven't really looked.

1.6mb of the 8.0 cd, /Software Installers/Open Transport-PPP.
I wouldn't know if its worth the trouble if the other is working until you install something that checks for a OT version 2.x and you'd still be in trouble with 1.1.3

One of the [other] Mikes :)

I wouldn't get that confused, Michael. ;)

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