A fellow lister put me on to SheepShaver, a emulator by the folks behind Basilisk II, mainly for the BeOS platform and linux-ppc, Darwin, blah blah, ect.
Linux-intel rpms or a csv connection can be found to make/install on i386 machines.
So far I've installed ppc versions of 7.6.1 and 8.0 and have booted the 8.5 and 9.0.4 cd's, rom errors where my biggest problem so far. The Mac OS ROM found on the 8.5 or the update rom found on software update site do not work with the i386 linux port. <ObjectLibSupport> constantly appearing when the 8.5-cd mac os rom was used.
Using the rom-grabber from Basilisk on a beige mac produced a dodgy rom image (it was never built for ppc's). The tool, CopyROM worked well enough to get to a full desktop, unstable but workable. Speed is a little slower than B2, not much.
I would guess a alpha win32.exe is out there somewhere, my Japanesse is not real good. ;)
Ok, its a little off topic but not much, hopefully we will soon have a ppc emulator for win32 as good as BII. I'm still to try the 8.5 cd with the new rom, hopefully I can update the 8.0 hardfile install with it without major problems but the brain dead mac install makes this harder than it needs to be.
Does anyone know of the progress of microcodes G3 pci card?
http://www.microcode-solutions.com/ doesn't say much as usual. I hope the software version will include networking this time. A long time coming, even the Amiga-one has been around for a while now.
I'm hoping to try win4lin using exodus on a quadra or 7300, it will be a interesting comparision against the macs pc emulators if it works. A 10/100 nic in the mac would be best for this but something I don't have in the target macs. Win4lin is user based and should run fine through xterm using Exodus, I hope. :)
If your interested in SheepShaver (ShapeShifter, may *your* god bless them) you might try http://www.emaculation.com/sheepshaver.php and use the links there. The site isn't updated properly and is geared towards PowerPC usage, a couple of points you should keep in mind regardless of platform.
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