Hi Alex (and Suzanne),

I just today configured for a customer an old Palm IIIxe to sync up with
Entourage X on a G4 running 10.1.5.    The pda also had a serial to usb
adapter.  After installing the Palm 4 desktop software and the little bit of
Microsoft conduit software to enable it to sync up with Entourage instead of
the Palm Desktop software, things worked "plug and play".

I would assume that the vintage of pda you are using is not a factor as the
one I configured today is older than yours or Suzanne's.  Jaguar may be a
factor but I can't indicate that for sure and personally I would not believe
that to be the problem.  The serial to usb adapter may be an issue but
there's not much that can really go wrong with those things.

Connectivity seems to be a likely issue.  Make sure you have it connected
directly to a built-in usb port, not a hub for your initial tests.  Once
connected, you may want to check to see if the Apple System Profiler detects
the device.  If not, go find a different adapter.  If it detects it but you
still have a problem, I would suspect that you have a software issue or a
configuration issue.

If that be the case, you may want to try setting up a new user, log in under
that user's name and install the Palm desktop software again and see if you
have any better luck getting it to work.  If it does, you can rule out
Jaguar as being a factor and focus more on the configuration of the conduit
and possibly damaged preferences being the root of your problem..

Palm gives explicit instructions on removal of any prior Palm software
before attempting an install of any new Palm desktop software.

Good Luck!

Ward Oldham

on 10/31/2002 3:52 PM, Alex Whitman at alylex at earthlink.net wrote:

> I'm having almost the same problem as Suzanne Blake.
> I am running OS 10.2.1 and a Palm m105 (has a serial cabled cradle),
> have downloaded, unstuffed and installed Palm 4.0.3, and am using an
> IConcepts PDA USB adapter (the package specifically says, "Compatible
> with all popular brands of PDA" and "Compatible with Mac 10.1 or
> above").  The Palm software looks great on the iMac screen, but when I
> try to hot sync, the PDA says, "The connection between your handheld
> and the desktop could not be established."  In the Palm software, I
> have tried all the variants under HotSync--Software Setup--Connection
> Settings, with a restart after each change.  The PDA is a year old and
> worked just fine with my previous Win98 and WinXP computers.
> I would have preferred to buy the PalmConnect cable adaptor instead of
> the IConcepts, but when I was shopping for it 2 weeks ago it was out of
> stock at palm.com, Circuit City, Best Buy, and CompUSA.  I *suspect*
> the problem is in the adaptor... but the fact that Suzanne, who isn't
> using an adaptor at all, is also stymied makes me wonder.
> Any ideas will be greatly appreciated.
> Alex Whitman
> alylex at earthlink.net
> The next meeting of the Louisville Computer Society will be November 26
> For more information, see <http://www.aye.net/~lcs>. A calendar of
> activities is at <http://www.calsnet.net/macusers>.

The next meeting of the Louisville Computer Society will be November 26
For more information, see <http://www.aye.net/~lcs>. A calendar of
activities is at <http://www.calsnet.net/macusers>.

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