Ah, sorry.  Must be a flat panel iMac.

Try your keyboard in another usb port and plug your pda into the port that
your keyboard was plugged into to see if it makes any difference.


on 10/31/2002 9:58 PM, Ward Oldham at woldham at insightbb.com wrote:

> OK, Alex . . .
> I'm confused.  You have your keyboard plugged into one usb port.  Mouse
> plugged into the side of the keyboard.  Printer plugged into the other usb
> port.
> So how can your pda be plugged in at all?
> Ward
> on 10/31/2002 9:48 PM, Alex Whitman at alylex at earthlink.net wrote:
>> On Thursday, October 31, 2002, at 05:11  PM, Ward Oldham wrote:
>>> Connectivity seems to be a likely issue.  Make sure you have it
>>> connected
>>> directly to a built-in usb port, not a hub for your initial tests.
>> It is plugged into one of the three USB ports on the back of the iMac.
>>>   Once
>>> connected, you may want to check to see if the Apple System Profiler
>>> detects
>>> the device.
>> Ah, there's the (first) rub.  Under Devices and Volumes, System
>> Profiler shows the keyboard with the mouse branching off from it.  One
>> mystery item shows up as a "USB device" ... but that device must be the
>> printer since the printer prints.  The results are the same whether the
>> Palm cradle with adapter is plugged in or not.
>>> If not, go find a different adapter.
>> And that's the (second) rub.  The PalmConnect USB-serial adapter seems
>> to have been discontinued, as it no longer appears on the Palm store
>> website at all.  The I-Concepts adapter (suggested with a shrug and a
>> "maybe?" by the Apple rep at CompUSA) was the only one I could find in
>> an afternoon of driving all over town.  The people at Circuit City and
>> Best Buy were not optimistic about getting any (Palm brand or
>> otherwise) in.
>> I'm just about ready to give up and rebuild my Win98 box for the sole
>> purpose of backing up the PDA (is that nuts or what?)... Unless you
>> have other ideas?
>> Thanks for your help, Ward.
>> Alex Whitman
>> alylex at earthlink.net
>> The next meeting of the Louisville Computer Society will be November 26
>> For more information, see <http://www.aye.net/~lcs>. A calendar of
>> activities is at <http://www.calsnet.net/macusers>.
> The next meeting of the Louisville Computer Society will be November 26
> For more information, see <http://www.aye.net/~lcs>. A calendar of
> activities is at <http://www.calsnet.net/macusers>.

The next meeting of the Louisville Computer Society will be November 26
For more information, see <http://www.aye.net/~lcs>. A calendar of
activities is at <http://www.calsnet.net/macusers>.

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