On Thursday, October 31, 2002, at 11:59  PM, Ward Oldham wrote:

> This is the adapter you want to buy.
> http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=1392741483

Thanks, Ward!  That's identical to the one I just placed a bid on.  All 
confirmations, pats on the back, "you're on the right track", etc. are 
greatly appreciated!  I've been very slow in learning.  I've been using 
PCs for a long time.  The last Mac I bought was in 1988, and it didn't 
even have a modem.  The switch is hard enough without running into 
something as balky as the Palm... especially when Palm itself has 
(apparently... to my point of view) abandoned the m105 in favor of the 
Zire, and neither Palm nor its local vendors can be bothered to sell 
the necessary adaptor.

Of course, mea culpa.  I didn't even think of looking on eBay.
> Through all of this, I
> don't have a clue what model you own.

Sorry, did I forget to say it's a Palm m105?


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