On 7/23/2019 11:28 PM, justin White wrote:
> Charles,
> Does the Clock rate specified in the pinfile for the module instance relate 
> to the clock rate as it's set in the "card" file? Like I said the example I 
> came across in MKSOCFPGA specified "ClockLowTag" for SS so that is what I 
> used. I later tried building it with ClockMedTag for giggles but it failed, 
> I forget the error, something not found. The DE10 projects seem to be built 
> with a different structure, I don't see a VHD that looks like the card file 
> you linked to. There are SystemVerilog files that look like they pertain to 
> the same things you are describing:
> The "card" file?
> https://github.com/machinekit/mksocfpga/blob/fdc9ddc3a42cc2b6f4a1302ef8e6ca8fc23a4bc0/HW/hm2/config/DExx_Nano_xxx_Cramps/atlas_3x24_cap_enc.sv#L7

Seems likely, but I don't deal with system verilog much at all, and I
*REALLY* don't deal with instantiating VHDL entities with generics
(ie: the hostmot2 instance) via system verilog.

> Similar to the "HPS PLL"?
> https://github.com/machinekit/mksocfpga/blob/fdc9ddc3a42cc2b6f4a1302ef8e6ca8fc23a4bc0/HW/QuartusProjects/DE10_Nano_FB_Cramps/DE10_Nano_FB_Cramps.sv#L297

Yes, that matches up.  Note you have to go into the qsys file defining
the hps (hard processor system) to determine what the PLL frequencies
are set to, which is why it's probably best to just try and measure
the baud rate.

> The sure way to check is capture a few bytes being sent over the 
>> serial port when the driver starts up.  That will tell you the *REAL* 
>> baud rate.
> That's what I was trying to do. I breadboarded a differential reciever IC 
> and connected the input to a Tx driver on my board and the output to an 
> RS232-USB adapter Rx pin. I used Moserial to try to capture a transmission 
> when MK was starting up. I only got a hex value of all 0's at some random 
> baud rate but the max baud rate in moserial is 2mbps. So I scoped the Tx+ 
> line of the board and only found a single short pull down when starting MK  

What do you get from the debug log when the hm2 driver loads?

Do you have a digital 'scope so you can capture the first few words of
the sserial communications?

IIRC, the sserial stuff works OK on the DE0-Nano, but it's been a
couple years since I messed with this and I'm not 100% sure if I had
my 7i76 (and it's sserial driven field IO pins) working with the DE0
or with a 7i92 (I was doing a lot of switching back and forth at the
time but I'm pretty sure the 7i76 was working properly with both).

Charles Steinkuehler

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