On 03 Nov 2010, at 16:37, Rudolf O. Durrer wrote:

> Since yesterday, Mail.app does not load attachments anymore. the mails still 
> show the attachment logo, but there is no attachmentwith the mail.
> Going to my account through webmail, the attachments are there: readable and 
> downlodable.
> Any idea, where I have to change that setting?

Since it started out of the blue, it's highly unlikely that the following is 
the cause, but...
I once set Mail to display the text version of mails using the 'hidden 
preference' (in Terminal):

$ defaults write com.apple.mail PreferPlainText -bool TRUE

At that point, I often saw mails with seemingly no attachments, while the 'Next 
Alternative' did show them. So I reverted that preference (set to FALSE) and 
the problem went away.


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