On Mar 27, 2011, at 2:36 PM, Michael_google gmail_Gersten wrote:

>> WebObjects and Direct To Web are still going strong, btw. WebObjects has in 
>> no way been abandoned by Apple.
> Really? The heart of WebObjects is EOF.
> Maybe part of the issue is which WebObjects. Originally, WO and EOF
> were Objective C; java was supported by a bridge. Then, everything
> became Java, first, and objective C was supported by a bridge. Now,
> that bridge (as I understand it) is gone, and Apple is just doing
> generic Java.
> Heck, if you're on PPC, you can't get Java updates anymore.
> So where are WO and EOF now?


> So all of web objects / EOF is now Java based. The core -- EOF, WO,
> DTW -- is all 3.5 years old. Even the stuff which is updated is two
> years old. There is nothing on their website that I can find promoting
> this. /Developer/Documentation has nothing on EOF or WO. Oh -- wait a
> sec, I did find docs from sep 2007 or 2009, hidden away underneath
> stuff.
> Even Private frameworks has nothing.
> Heck, I don't see any WOScript support in there.
> If this is "alive and well", I'd hate to be on life support ...
> (So what do people on the 10.7 betas see for this?)

I could be a tad biased (my license plate number is "WEBOBJ" after all), but I 
do know that Apple is and has been directly contributing to the advancement of 
WO, with the concentration lately being on the tools. (The core of WO and EOF, 
after moving to Java, is stable, and it is true that it only gets infrequent 
updates.) Development has moved to Eclipse, and Apple has employees 
contributing to improving the Eclipse plugin. Also, most non-core functionality 
is being added to the open-source Project WOnder, with Apple also contributing 
to that. (There is also an active community contributing to both projects.)

Of course Apple has a vested interest in maintaining WO, given that the iTunes 
Store, MobileMe, the Apple Store online, and more of their Internet presence is 
based on it.

(Btw, WOScript didn't survive the conversion to Java.)


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