On 2011-03-30 08:06 , Lawrence Sica wrote:

On Mar 30, 2011, at 9:55 AM, Andy Lee wrote:

The first app that came to mind for free/lightweight editing was Bean:


I see it supports regex searches. But it's only for editing rich text. It would 
be nice if someone out there has added regex to TextEdit.

I wonder if you could use Applescript to do this.  It supports some regular 
expressions I've not looked into how powerful it is though.

AppleScript doesn't come with any regex out of the box; a free scripting addition from Satimage does provide solid regex, and i believe a 64-bit version is now available:


that said, i think it would be significantly simpler to use TextWrangler for regex; plus there are going to be problems unless you stick to plain text
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