On Wed, Mar 30, 2011 at 10:34 AM, Andy Lee <ag...@mac.com> wrote:
> On Mar 30, 2011, at 12:36 PM, Michael J Wise <mjw...@kapu.net> wrote:
> Honestly, if you need regex ... I'd recommend just using grep.
> It's not an editor as such, certainly.
> But it'll certainly show you where the things are that match.
> And the -n flag will give you line numbers....
> But grep may not find what you want in an RTF file (due to interspersed
> formatting tags), and as you mention it's outside of your actual editor, so
> it's much less convenient when what you want is to find a given pattern in
> the document you're editing.

Apple-A (select all) Apple-C (copy)

Apple-Tab to terminal

pbpaste | egrep -n

Pbpaste only takes the plain text version, not the RTF version. So
it'll be as good as the RTF to plain text conversion.

Granted, that doesn't solve the replace side, only the find side.

For plain text and regex, how about "gvim" -- gui front end for vim?
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