On 2011-03-31 01:18 , Jean-Christophe Helary wrote:
On 31 mars 11, at 11:34, Andy Lee wrote:
Oh, I understand why you'd want a lightweight .rtf/.doc editor. But you said "I like 
TextEdit for being simple, and RTFed when needed", and that made me think you 
specifically wanted a plain text editor that can become an RTF editor, and I didn't 
understand that when (for example) you could use TextWrangler for plain text and Bean for 
rich text. Both are simple and both have regex searches.

Yes, but I like to work with the command line (I use DTerm a huge lot) and being able to 
"edit" all my simple documents is a huge plus. Plus I sometimes need to change 
from text mode to rtf mode while I edit etc.

i don't follow this, so in case there's a misunderstanding, you know TextWrangler uses "edit" on the command-line, but you're saying you don't like TextWrangler? or do you want Bean to add a command-line tool?

My idea is that if I can do most of my work with Apple stuff then I have less 
hassles regarding updates etc.

BBEdit has given me no hassles regarding updates; unlike some of the young hipsters, it has not dropped 10.5 or PPC support
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