On 2011-03-31 11:53 , Andy Lee wrote:
On Mar 31, 2011, at 12:54 PM, st...@paper-ape.com wrote:
 > or do you want Bean to add a command-line tool?

If this is the case you can write your own shell script that looks like

open -a Bean "${@}"

i'd suggest this in .bash_profile

  bean() { open -a Bean "$@" ; }

however as noted Bean 2.95 doesn't support .txt (or .py or numerous other plain text formats); interestingly it give an error message like

  The document “open_TaMTqGBF.txt” could not be
  opened. Bean cannot open files in the
  “Python script” format.'

but how i use "bbedit" most often in the shell is to pipe text into it; the equivalent command for Bean would be:

 <text producing command> | open -fa Bean

(with some fiddling the bash function could handle both cases)
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