on 2012-08-11 9:47 Michael wrote
Now that Google has been caught cheating and violating privacy, you might not 
trust them any longer -- I don't.
But it's the only viable option I've found for dealing with spam.

i have my main email domain (this) with an independent email specialist, fastmail.fm; i pay a modest fee for very good service, including excellent spam filtering; i receive a few spam messages per day, not hard to handle, and not bad for an email address that has been in the wild for 13 years (for most of my account emails i use unique addresses); i haven't been spam-bombed (thousands of bounces coming "back" to my forged address) for more than a year, but that's not proof that fastmail has protected me from such

i also have had gmail and mac.com accounts for several years with significant traffic, so i have a basis for comparison

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