on 2013-04-20 13:24 Dinse, Gregg (NIH/NIEHS) [V] wrote
The Mac Mini is always on, as is the Mac Pro.  With an Airport Express (AE), I 
could connect the AE to the receiver in the living room.  Then I could choose 
the multiple speaker option in iTunes (on the Mac Pro) and have audio play 
directly from iTunes on the Mac Pro through the speakers in the living room.  
This should work, but it would require additional cables, and since the Mac 
Mini is already connected to the sound system, I'd like to use that if possible.

since you have an "AV" sound system, i wonder if you've considered streaming video as well; an Apple TV is the answer for that; it works as an Airplay target from iOS & Mac, and can also access your audio and video libraries on any Macs (photo libraries too), and can handle various streaming services like Hulu and Netflix; assuming your AV receiver routes all signals, the cabling is dead simple: power to the ATV and HDMI from the ATV to the receiver
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