Oops, I just checked, and High Sierra did run Photos, but an early version of 
the database. It did get updated often going to Catalina, though.


> On Jul 1, 2021, at 4:31 PM, Carl Hoefs <newsli...@autonomy.caltech.edu> wrote:
> High Sierra ran iPhoto; Catalina runs Photos. The two photo database formats 
> are totally incompatible, which is why it upgrades the database. And I know 
> that somewhere along the way (from HS to Catalina) it did a forced upgrade of 
> the mailboxes. 
> So my guess is that your undertaking would be an exercise in futility...
> (And ditto your frustration with the iMac's gossamer-thin screen connection 
> wires: What were they thinking?)
> -Carl
>> On Jul 1, 2021, at 3:51 PM, Macs R We <macs...@macsrwe.com 
>> <mailto:macs...@macsrwe.com>> wrote:
>> I have a client running Catalina on an old 2013 iMac with a spinner. There's 
>> no reason he needs to be running Catalina (he still uses Lotus 123, for 
>> heaven's sake), he is apparently just a low-information victim of Apple's 
>> antisocial robo-nag campaign to "Upgrade! Upgrade!! Upgrade!!!" 
>> His machine is now crawling.
>> My preference would be to clone his machine to an external, wiping it, 
>> install  fresh High Sierra, and then migrate his files back in. But I'm 
>> unsure whether there have been format changes between HS and Catalina in 
>> personal databases such as Photos, Address Book, mailboxes, and the like 
>> that would queer this… or whether File Migration might just arbitrarily nix 
>> the importation out of principle. Not to mention knowing that the System 
>> Settings category (WiFi networks, Apple IDs, Sharing, Accessibility, etc.) 
>> would probably be un-migratable in toto, but that's less important as it can 
>> be addressed manually.
>> Can anyone say if this reverse-migration is doomed before it's tried?
>> The alternative would be to swap out his HDD with an SSD and clone it over, 
>> which would be a more costly job in terms of hardware fiddlery time (I hate 
>> working on iMacs, having to disconnect all the fragile display screen 
>> connectors to do the simplest things), pus the cost of a new TB drive.
>> (Damn Apple's irresponsible pressure on typical consumers to upgrade their 
>> OSes.)
>> -- 
>>   Macs R We -- Personal Macintosh Service and Support
>>     in the Wickenburg and far Northwest Valley Areas.
>>                             http://macsrwe.com <http://macsrwe.com/>
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