Wow, you're right. It's really hard for me to believe that by sheer 
happenstance, I have never (except once) worked on an iMac model newer than 
2012 (according to But I suppose it's not entirely improbable, 
because it's the old ones that need the most help.  I don't recall optical 
drives in most of the units I have worked on, but then again I had no reason to 
pay any attention to them because they were never the issue.

> On Jul 1, 2021, at 6:53 PM, David Schwartz <> wrote:
> On Jul 1, 2021, at 6:23 PM, Macs R We <> wrote:
>> I don't think they make the thin-edge profile any more, amirite? All the 
>> other ones are eight screws on the display panel, then three chintzy 
>> connectors behind the display where you have to have the fingers of ET to 
>> connect and disconnect them without lifting the panel too high.
> Apple abandoned the thick edged magnetic-held glass over screw-connected 
> thick LCD panel after the Mid-2011 design. They remained with thin-edge, 
> bubble-back and taped-together to this very day through the 27” 5k 2020 
> model. 
> Anything you see with a built-in optical drive, thick sides, and screws 
> holding the panel is _at least_ ten years old.
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