On Friday, April 20, 2001, at 08:40 AM, Justin Simoni wrote:

> Since this is somewhat a new list, I am very curious of hearing what 
> people
> are using Perl on MacOSX for. It seems that people who are serious about
> coding would opt for a linux or FreeBsd alternative, since this is most
> likely what these program will be run under when they're released. I 
> could
> be wrong here, and be substaintualy undermining the number of 
> developers for
> MacOSX and OSX Server, but right now, the client version of the OS 
> isn't a
> hot rod for Webserver and much of the polish really just gets in the 
> way of
> someone who knows what they're doing.

Check out this review of OS X as a web server running Zeus and Apache:


Says it compares *favorably* to Linux and that OS X may finally be an 
enterprise option for some.

And zdnet and eweek (formerly pcweek) are no hotbed of mac fanaticism.

-- Bob Jakuc
"It's not figuring out what to do, it's figuring out what to do first."
-- Bill Joy, founder, Sun Microsystems

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