Hand install?  We all know about CPAN, right?

sudo perl -MCPAN -e shell;


Joe Erickson
Puzzle Smith

On Sunday, April 22, 2001, at 03:06 AM, Jeff wrote:

> On Friday, April 20, 2001, at 06:40 AM, Justin Simoni wrote:
>> Since this is somewhat a new list, I am very curious of hearing what 
>> people
>> are using Perl on MacOSX for. It seems that people who are serious 
>> about
>> coding would opt for a linux or FreeBsd alternative, since this is most
>> likely what these program will be run under when they're released.
> I've been doing Perl coding on Linux and OS X Server boxes, and am 
> happy that OS X for the masses is out - it's a great platform for Perl 
> coding, especially because you can do fun tricks that work in 
> conjunction with other things that OS X can do. With the exception of 
> the install CD on Linux containing more Perl libraries that I don't 
> have to hand install, OS X is a fine Perl platform. I have Perl-coding 
> friends who are now willing to give OS X a look now that they can 
> program on it in a way they're used to. It also opens up new 
> possibilities for Mac-heads who welcome the new dimension.
> As for examples, I've got probably >10 different Perl programs (big 
> ones, too) running on my OS X servers here, talking happily with Apache 
> and MySQL. My OS X site, http://osx.hyperjeff.net/ , especially the 
> section on native apps, is all run by a small gang of Perl programs.
> I love being able to finally tap into the large archives of Perl 
> programs out there for my Mac. I almost never have any troubles getting 
> them to do what I need. Perl will, I think, be one of the sleeper 
> languages that gets used a lot on OS X.
> Now that BBEdit is native on OS X, I'm especially psyched.
> Jeff
> http://hyperjeff.net

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