Please pardon the length of this post - but it may help the 
discussion.  In case anyone is wondering as to it's usefulness I am 
in the process of using/evaluating this tool.

On I found a thread that pointed me to 
which mentions DiskTop from

The suggested steps:
This requires a separate partition for both your OSX, 9.1 and 
backup volume.
1. Boot from your 9.1 partition
2. drag the closed volume icon of your OSX volume directly on top 
of the backup volume. Lets say your OSX volume is called "Dart". 
This will create a folder on your backup volume that is called 
"Dart". The necessary invisible files will be inside this folder.
3. open the folder, and from the finder do a "select all" and drag 
the contents to the root level of the backup volume. (the invisible 
files stay behind)
4. Using disktop, open the "dart" folder. select all, move to the 
root level.

Again, this requires that you are using a HFS+ filesystem and not 
UFS AND it requires two or more HD (I have twin 36GB in mine, so I 
might get it to work...)  Anyhow, please refer to the Apple 
'recommendations' about moving away from forks, etc, in the below 
README file (included here for completeness.)


About hfspax

Why hfspax?
hfspax is a modified (alright, hacked!) version of the standard Mac 
OS X and UNIX tool, pax. It addresses one of the few significant 
omissions from Mac OS X – the ability to perform proper backups, 
and to restore from them.

Forks and resources
Mac OS X is a remarkable hybrid operating system which manages to 
bring the power and strength of UNIX and the accessibility of Mac 
OS to a very wide range of users. In doing so, it has support for 
many legacy features from Mac OS 8 and 9, including the Mac OS 
Extended disk format (HFS+) and its unusual 'forked' file structure.

Versions of Mac OS prior to Mac OS X have allowed every file to 
have two separate 'forks': the standard, or data, fork is normally 
used for linear data storage, whilst the other fork holds 
'resources', such as window layouts, dialog text in different 
languages, and preferences. Mac OS is not the only operating system 
to support forks in files, but the great majority of computers in 
use today (Windows family, UNIX) cannot support forks in this way.

Apple is encouraging Mac OS X developers away from dependence on 
resource forks, either in their applications or their documents. 
Whilst cross-platform applications such as Microsoft Office already 
make little use of resource forks, many Mac applications that have 
been ported to Mac OS X still rely on them. So, if you are running 
Mac OS X with Extended (HFS+) format hard disks and using Mac 
applications, the chances are that you are dependent on resource 
forks and the information stored in them.

backup, tar, cpio, pax
It may come as a bit of a bombshell to discover that, whilst Mac OS 
X does support resource forks, the backup tools provided with it do 
not. If you have started to explore the huge range of wonderful 
tools available from Terminal, the command shell, you may have 
discovered standard backup tools like backup, tar, cpio, and pax – 
all provided free within Mac OS X. But if you try to use them, you 
will discover that they all trash every single resource fork.

If you want to test this out, make sure that you do so with a 
folder full of unimportant files. You can then modify the commands 
provided for hfspax to call the standard pax utility, or use those 
given in the references at the end. If your test folder contains 
'plain' Mac OS X files (as you will find in /bin and /sbin folders 
normally hidden from the Finder's view), the tools provided work 
fine. But with Carbonised applications, their supporting files and 
documents, and many other files, you will get back rather less than 
you need. This would wreak havoc on a full Applications folder, and 
you would end up having to restore many of the applications from 
disk (or download).

Retrospect, SwitchBack, SynkX
At the same time, backup applications written for Mac OS 8/9 (and 
Finder copies) are insufficient, as they cannot cope properly with 
the new features of Mac OS X – new types of link (or alias), hidden 
system files and folders, and so on. In time, Dantz Retrospect 
should offer a range of commercial backup tools that meet Mac OS 
X's demands. Shareware tools such as SwitchBack and SynkX are very 
good at making duplicate copies of folders. However, they are not 
designed to work with archive files of the type normally created 
when backing up large, complicated operating systems such as Mac OS 

dd, ditto
There are two shell commands that can provide reliable backups in 
certain circumstances. dd (try man dd in Terminal) will duplicate a 
volume by copying its blocks to another. This is close to the 
metal, useful in certain circumstances, but far from ideal for 
regular backups. ditto (man ditto) has a hidden option to duplicate 
folders with any resource forks. To discover this feature of its 
syntax, you will need to elicit its usage response, for instance by 
typing ditto and pressing return (in Terminal). You will then see 
the -rsrcFork option which performs folder duplication preserving 
resource forks. Again, this could be useful at times, but is far 
from being the ideal backup solution.

Apple Software Restore
Apple has provided a reliable and complete way of backing up Mac OS 
X volumes, using the Disk Copy utility and Apple Software Restore. 
In brief, you have to run Disk Copy from a volume different to the 
one you want to back up. Create a disk image of the whole volume – 
this can take a long time, so you may want to go out to lunch 
whilst Disk Copy is busy – and you can then restore from that when 
you wish. Although there is a compression option, such disk images 
are single files around 60%–75% (100% if uncompressed) of the size 
of the occupied portions of the volume. This could be entertaining 
if you have 6 or 8 Gbyte of files to be backed up, with only 4 
Gbyte of free disk space and a CD-R drive to play with. Apple 
primarily advocates this scheme for developers and others who might 
trash a volume during debugging, and need to recover the volume. It 
is documented at Apple's developer site (, but 
should not be your first choice for backup and recovery. It is also 
worth noting that, currently at least, Disk Copy for Mac OS 9 
cannot work with single images larger than 2 Gbyte in size.

A solution
hfspax was developed to try to plug this serious gap. If you are 
still not convinced that there is a problem, choose one of the 
above methods, and then make some typical backups – a full backup 
of the Users folder, Applications perhaps, and then try a crucial 
system-level folder like /private, and the top-level Mach kernel 
files themselves. Time how long it takes, and then try restoring 
from them. If you have a quick, efficient and reliable method that 
preserves resource forks, Finder info, and Mac OS X links and 
hidden files, then please let me know and I will move on to 
developing something else.

What does hfspax do?
hfspax is a direct substitute for the tool pax, which is documented 
in its man (manual) pages, and in all good books about UNIX. pax 
was chosen for several reasons: first, it supports both cpio and 
tar, and several variants of each; second, its source code was 
particularly suitable for modifcations of the type required; third, 
it is full-featured. Some UNIX gurus dislike pax, because they see 
it as being less flexible than equivalent individual GNU tools, 
GNUtar in particular. Maybe in time these will also be converted to 
work with HFS+ peculiarities such as resource forks.

Just like pax, hfspax works in three modes – it can read individual 
files and archive them into a single .pax file; it can read an 
archive file and write out the individual files contained therein; 
and it can list the files archived in its .pax archives.

Resource forks
In addition to working with the standard data forks that pax will 
handle perfectly well, hfspax stores two additional types of 
pseudo-file. Resource forks are archived using a special suffix, so 
that the resource fork belonging to the data fork of the file 
myfile.rtf is stored as a pseudo-file named 
myfile.rtf/..namedfork/rsrc This apparently verbose convention has 
been adopted because that is exactly what Mac OS X does. (Bernhard 
Baehr and others have kindly pointed out that there is also OS X 
support for the resource fork through the naming convention 
myfile.rtf/rsrc. However, this appears to be undocumented and may 
not be supported in the future.). If you are familiar with the 
Terminal command shell, cd to a folder containing files that have 
resource forks, and type ls -la to see a full directory listing. 
Then type ls -la */..namedfork/rsrc, and you will see a listing of 
all the resource forks. Several users have pointed out that this 
does not always appear to work, whilst the command ls -la */rsrc 
may actually be more consistently reliable. If you can work out 
what is going on here, please let me know.

Finder info
The other type of pseudo-file adopts a similar convention to store 
the special Finder information for each file. That includes the 
four-character codes to identify each file's creator application, 
and file type. Once again, this is an area inherited from Mac OS 
8/9 that should ultimately become unimportant in Mac OS X. However, 
the Finder uses this file type and creator information to decide 
which application should be used to open a document when you 
double-click on it. If the Finder information is not backed up, it 
will cause you problems if you have to restore from your archive. 
hfspax stores this information as a pseudo-file, using the suffix 
/..namedfork/finf so that myfile.rtf has Finder information stored 
in the pseudo-file myfile.rtf/..namedfork/rsrc. Please note that 
this convention is peculiar to hfspax at present, and (unlike those 
for resource forks) will not work in any shell. However, I would 
encourage others to use the same convention when appropriate.

Design goals
This design was chosen for a number of reasons, centred on the 
desire to retain as much compatibility as possible with pax and 
related UNIX tools. It would have been very easy to create another 
new archive format which bundled data and resource forks, and 
Finder information, into a single entity. But, in the event that 
you could not use hfspax, your archive would be inaccessible. 
Another option would have been to pre-process files into a standard 
'flattened' form without forks. This could have been done using 
MacBinary, for instance, which is widely supported. However, this 
appeared to be inefficient, and little less accessible than a new 
archive format.

In essence, then, when you write a new archive file, hfspax 
identifies a file and stores its data fork in the archive under the 
file's regular name. It then looks for any resource fork, and 
stores that as a pseudo-file under its extended name. It then 
stores the file's Finder information as another pseudo-file with an 
extended name. When you list the contents of an archive, the file 
and its two associated pseudo-files will also be listed. When you 
read an archive file and write out its constituent files, the data 
fork will be written out first, then any resource fork is restored, 
and finally the file's Finder information is restored. Note that 
hfspax behaves like pax in that it saves and restores file 
permissions (privileges), dates and times of creation and 
modification, etc. It will also overwrite existing files, unless 
overridden by the appropriate option.

Good backup practice
If at all possible, you should keep an up-to-date backup of 
everything on your working disks, so that if they should fail, you 
can restore absolutely everything to a new hard disk. A good but 
expensive and complex way of achieving this is to use disk 
mirroring (part of the standard RAID range). A much cheaper and 
simpler way of achieving this is to make frequent comprehensive 
incremental archives onto a special backup disk. Then, should 
disaster strike, you can restore whatever is necessary from those 
archives. Provided that they are updated relatively frequently, no 
disaster should ever require excessive repetition of work.

Aside from the profound mistake of not making backups at all, the 
commonest faults are not making backups frequently enough, not 
making them complete, keeping increments but losing the base 
archive to which those increments are to be applied, and never 
practising a restore.

As with all emergency measures, a backup-restore system must be 
practised before disaster strikes. If you worked in a building in 
which the fire alarms were never tested, would you trust them to 
work in a real fire? Yet, of the few users who make good backups, 
even fewer rehearse recovery from them.

Volume structure
The ideal 'safe' Mac OS X system will have access to three bootable 
systems: the main Mac OS X volume, a secondary Mac OS X volume 
which can be used as the startup volume in an emergency, and a 
volume with Mac OS 9.1 or later installed on it (that is useful in 
case you have difficulties restarting in Mac OS X). This may seem 
excessive, but Mac OS 9.1 and the main OS X systems can co-exist on 
a single volume, and the emergency copy of Mac OS X can be on the 
same (preferably external) disk containing backups. Make sure that 
you install the most recent releases of hfspax and your other 
recovery tools on both Mac OS X volumes. Make additional copies 
(e.g. on tape drives, CD or DVD media) of your archive files, 
hfspax, etc.

In the event that your main Mac OS X volume is damaged or lost, 
restart from your emergency copy of Mac OS X and you can then 
initialise the main volume (or its replacement) and restore from 
your archives. You should also still be able to make a reasonable 
job of recovery if your emergency disk is damaged or lost.

Most Macintosh computers are delivered with their hard disk 
initialised to a single huge volume. You will probably find it 
best, before installing anything else, to restart from your Mac OS 
Install CD-ROM and initialise a single hard disk into two or more 
volumes to support the above scheme. Alternatively, you could 
install a second hard disk (most suitable for desktop models with 
internal space), or buy an external disk from which you can restart 
your Mac. Spending a little on an extra hard disk is an excellent 
investment for the future, and much cheaper than the lost work that 
could result from a crash.

Cautions and limitations
hfspax comes without any guarantee or warranty of any kind. You use 
it at your own risk, and should you lose data as a result of a bug 
in hfspax, we can only offer to refund what you paid for it! If you 
have followed the recommendations above, the chances of a problem 
occurring when you are restoring for real should be extremely 
small. If you report problems that you encounter when practising 
restores (when they should not lose any of your data), we will do 
our utmost to identify them, and fix any bugs that may be 
responsible. However, before blaming hfspax, please take a little 
time to check that the problem is real, and did not arise because 
of a misunderstanding of the documentation. Again, we will do 
everything we can to assist you – our contact details are given 

Details of known limitations and problems for each release of 
hfspax are given in the file named ThisRelease.rtf.

Darwin and Mac OS X
Although Darwin is the open source core of Mac OS X, it has become 
clear that Darwin and OS X handle their file systems, resource 
forks, etc., very differently. Because of this, hfspax will not 
work in Darwin, and its approach is actually off the mark. If you 
have a Darwin system and Mac OS X running side by side, then you 
can quickly see how they work differently. Create a temporary 
folder, and copy into it a file that you know has a decent sized 
resource fork (under OS X, use Finder copy rather than Terminal). 
We will say, for the sake of this example, that file is myfile. 
Now, open a command shell, and cd to the folder. Try
ls -la
and see your file listed, but at a reduced size (as the resource 
fork size is not included, at least under OS X). Look for the 
resource fork using
ls -la */..namedfork/rsrc
ls -la */rsrc
Whilst the first should succeed in revealing info about myfile's 
resource fork under OS X, it will probably fail under Darwin. For 
Darwin, you should have more success with
ls -la myfile/..namedfork/rsrc
ls -la myfile/rsrc

Having assured yourself that there is a resource fork there, copy 
it using
cp myfile myfiledupe
Repeat the ls commands above, and under Mac OS X, you will see that 
the copying has stripped the resource fork. However, under Darwin, 
the resource fork should still be there. Amazingly, the Darwin 
source for cp does nothing special to handle resource forks – this 
is actually managed by the file system itself. We clearly need more 
information to explain these differences and their significance to 
applications, etc.

Typical uses
The following examples illustrate some common ways in which you can 
use hfspax from a command shell (Terminal). In each command, we 
include the v option which makes hfspax's output verbose. If you do 
not wish to see all the files listed in detail, omit the v 
character from the commands given below.

Backing up
To create an archive of the folder thisfolder under the name 
thisfolder.pax, type in the command
hfspax -wv -f thisfolder.pax -x cpio thisfolder

If thisfolder is not in the current path, you can either change 
your working directory with a command like
cd /Users/Documents/
and then use the above command, or you can use a command like
hfspax -wv -f thisfolder.pax -x cpio /Users/Documents/thisfolder
The effect of these differs significantly when you come to unpack 
the archive: if you used cd to change directory, the unpacked 
archive will be reconstructed relative to your current working 
directory. If you used the full path name in the command as given 
immediately above, then the old directory will be completely 
reconstructed in its original location. It is important that you 
appreciate this fundamental difference: when unpacking, hfspax 
(like pax) will restore files to the path shown when you list the 
contents of the archive, relative to the current working directory 
(in the command shell).

Listing archive contents
To list the contents of the archive thisfolder.pax, type in the command
hfspax -v -f thisfolder.pax

To restore the files contained in the archive thisfolder.pax to 
their original locations, type in the command
hfspax -rv -f thisfolder.pax
Note how you can control whether the original directory is 
reconstructed, according to how you specify its original path name 
(see above).

Volume backup
To make a full backup of your active Mac OS X volume, you will need 
to create a series of pax archives to cover each of the folders. If 
you do not have Mac OS 9.x on the same volume, you can achieve this 
using the following commands (which assume that you are creating 
the archives at the top level of another volume called backvol):
hfspax -wv -f /Volumes/backvol/Applications.pax -x cpio Applications
hfspax -wv -f /Volumes/backvol/Library.pax -x cpio Library
hfspax -wv -f /Volumes/backvol/Network.pax -x cpio Network
hfspax -wv -f /Volumes/backvol/System.pax -x cpio System
hfspax -wv -f /Volumes/backvol/Users.pax -x cpio Users
hfspax -wv -f /Volumes/backvol/bin.pax -x cpio bin
hfspax -wv -f /Volumes/backvol/private.pax -x cpio private
hfspax -wv -f /Volumes/backvol/sbin.pax -x cpio sbin
hfspax -wv -f /Volumes/backvol/usr.pax -x cpio usr
hfspax -wv -f /Volumes/backvol/mach.pax -x cpio mach*
Note how you access the other volume through its named entry in the 
/Volumes path: this is the standard UNIX way of accessing volumes 
other than the root (which appears at /). The final command backs 
up the Mach kernel files, which remain at the root level of the 
startup volume. You may also need to run the following line if you 
have the developer tools installed:
hfspax -wv -f /Volumes/backvol/Developer.pax -x cpio Developer
You may find it useful to back up the /dev folder. However, this 
may not be useful, or it may result in many errors, because of its 
special nature. If you do want to try backing it up, use something 
hfspax -wv -f /Volumes/backvol/dev.pax -x cpio dev

Volume restore
To restore a totally trashed Mac OS X startup volume, restart from 
another Mac OS X volume, initialise the disk, and allow the Mac OS 
X Install CD-ROM to install OS X 10.x. Then, make sure that hfspax 
is installed on the reconstruction disk, restart from it, and 
simply restore each of the .pax backups using a command like
hfspax -rv -f /Volumes/backvol/Applications.pax
Note that you have to do this from the disk to which you are 
restoring, or each archive will replace the files on the active or 
'root' Mac OS X disk. You can work around this by creating the 
archives from within each directory, but this starts to get fairly 
complex. You can also use this sequence of commands to create a 
mirror of your Mac OS X startup volume on another hard disk, 
although you will need to recreate some links at the root level.

Moving to a new Mac
When you need to move all your work from one Mac to another, the 
easiest thing to do is a full backup (see above) onto an external 
disk, such as a FireWire hard disk. Put all the pax files there, 
and move the disk over to your new Mac. You will then want to 
select which files you want to install: a simple way of doing this 
is to cd to your Documents folder
cd ~/Documents
and then unpack each archive in turn into that location, using 
commands of the form
sudo hfspax -rv -f /Volumes/backvol/Applications.pax
(Note the use of sudo, see below.) You can then change the owner of 
folders as necessary, using something like
sudo chown -R mynewusername Applications
as appropriate. Then using the Finder (recall that command line cp 
will not preserve resource forks), drag the applications, folders, 
etc. into their new locations .

Working incrementally
You can use hfspax's command options to perform incremental backups 
and restore incrementally. To create an archive with just files 
modified since year 2001 month 08 date 10 hour 07 minutes 30, use
hfspax -wv -f archive.pax -x cpio -T 0108100730/m foldertoarchive
When you want to append those same files to the existing archive 
called archive.pax, use the -a option thus:
hfspax -wv -a -f archive.pax -x cpio -T 0108100730/m foldertoarchive
You can also use the -T option with a date given in the above 
format (yymmddhhmm, for details see the man page) to select those 
files to unpack with hfspax -r. If you want to unpack files into 
existing folders, then you should use the -k option, or hfspax will 
happily trash the existing files for you, and replace them with 
those it unpacks. You can combine the -k and -T (and other options) 
to produce quite powerful and selective commands, such as
hfspax -rv -f archive.pax -k -T 0108100730/m
which will unpack only those files modified after the given date 
from archive.pax, into the current working folder, but will not 
over-write existing files.

sudo or su
Mac OS X has many features of Unix, including strict limitations on 
privileges for users. Depending on whether the current user has 
admin powers, and the permissions set for folders and files, you 
may need to assume additional powers as a 'super user' before you 
can read or write them. Thus, you may find that you need to preface 
any or all of the above commands with the sudo command. You can 
also become the super-user ('root') with the su command. You should 
be extremely cautious about doing so, because you can rapidly cause 
all sorts of problems and damage unless you really – really – know 
what you are doing. If you do not know how to use sudo, then you 
should read the relevant section of a good Unix guide, and its man 
pages (man sudo).

File naming: an important issue
Mac OS X using an HFS+ volume has to cope with both Mac OS 9 and 
Unix file naming conventions. When an operating system refers to a 
file using its full path name (as hfspax has to do), it uses a 
separator character between each element in the full path name. For 
specifies the file test.rtf in the path /Users/me/Documents. Unix 
uses the '/' character as its separator, whilst Mac OS 9 uses 
the ':' character, e.g.
If you create or keep files that include a separator in their name, 
this will confuse tools such as pax, as the name will be seen to 
contain part of the pathname as well. In OS X, this can happen if 
you use '/' or ':' characters in file names. This will cause hfspax 
to break, and its behaviour will then be unpredictable, and it will 
corrupt files. Currently, we do not know of a workaround to help 
this unfortunate situation.

A more facile and friendly solution
We are currently developing a $10 shareware Cocoa application (no 
command shell needed!) called BackXwing, which will encapsulate 
hfspax's power, features and flexibility in a friendly interface. 
Beta releases are starting soon. If you feel that you would like to 
encourage future development of hfspax and BackXwing, please visit 
Kagi and register your copy of BackXwing there.

Further information
The best book about backing up UNIX systems is:
Unix Backup & Recovery, W Curtis Preston, published by O'Reilly, 
1999, ISBN 1-56592-642-0
and Curtis Preston's website at is 
well worth a visit too.
Mac OS X assistance is available from many sites now, including and the usual authoritative sites such 
as and
hfspax and other backup tools are available from
Bug reports and correspondence should be sent to 

Notices & acknowledgements
pax is Copyright (c) 1992 Keith Muller. Copyright (c) 1992, 1993 
The Regents of the University of California.  All rights reserved.
In the development from pax to hfspax, valuable help was given by 
Alfredo "Fred" Sanchez, formerly of Apple Computer, who presented 
an invited paper on the mechanisms in Mac OS X for handling 
resource forks, at the USENIX meeting in 2000. Encouragement and 
alpha-testing were provided by my colleagues at MacUser (the 
original UK magazine of that name, from Dennis Publishing Ltd.), 
particularly Keith Martin, and a dedicated core of long-suffering 
The changes made from pax to hfspax are Copyright © 2001 EHN & DIJ 
Oakley, all rights reserved – except that permission is given to 
use and to distribute hfspax freely subject to the following 
limitation. hfspax may not be included in any commercial product 
(for example, within a more substantial backup utility for which 
money is charged) or distributed in any commercial product (for 
example, a collection of software on CD-ROM) without the explicit 
consent of the copyright holder, EHN & DIJ Oakley. You are 
encouraged to produce and distribute scripts and other tools to 
help others use hfspax. However, if you wish to charge for packages 
that include hfspax, you must make arrangements with us over 
licensing details.

Howard Oakley
EHN & DIJ Oakley
August 2001 (revised 16 August).

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