At 3:36 PM -0700 7/12/2002, drieux wrote:
>which is mostly OK, since they appear to run with
>       <command> ; exit
>but there are times when I would like to have
>something that runs as
>       <command>
>without the 'auto' exit.... is there a way
>to do this with foo.term???? which seems to
>have a way to save a 'terminal session' (????)

I use .term files by editing the ExecutionString value in
the XML to have...

    <string>ssh; exit</string>

....behave as I want it to behave.

Furthermore, I toss frequently-used .terms into
   ~/Library/Application Support/Terminal

to have them appear on Terminal's submenu (for these - particular
the ssh variety - I also tend to edit the CustomTitle parameter
to keep them clear by their titles.


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