At 7:36 AM -0700 7/15/2002, Randal L. Schwartz wrote:
> >>>>> "Charles" == Charles Albrecht <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>Charles> to have them appear on Terminal's submenu (for these - particular
>Charles> the ssh variety - I also tend to edit the CustomTitle parameter
>Charles> to keep them clear by their titles.
>Oooh.  S3kr3t Mag1c instructions!  Where is this documented?
>That's part of what frustrates me the most about OSX.  It's like
>OS9... people pass around folklore instead of being able to just say
>"man foo" as on "real unix" to read the whole story.

Especially when the included "Terminal Help," is so verbosely
helpful. The sum total of its help is:

  "The Terminal application lets you use a command-line interface
  and BSD utility programs."

My guess is that even though .term files are ordinary XML files,
someone at Apple thinks they are opaque black boxes. It's certainly
possible to edit all of these parameters within the GUI, but editing
the files directly is certainly easier in most cases. I just wish
it didn't involve so much "by inspection" work.


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