I would dearly like help installing modules on OSX.

Particularly XML modules.

Here's a short summary of my travails so far:

  * I go to install XML::Simple
  * I can't because it requires XML::Parser
  * I go to install XML::Parser
  * I can't because it requires Expat
  * I go to install Expat
  * Expat isn't even a Perl Module at all, it's some scary thing
    with files ending in .h and .c -- what is is, a C binary?
  * I install that, or I think I have, and I go back to Parser
  * It says that Expat isn't installed where it's expecting to find
  * I install it with a special command line option to tell it the
  * It installs, with a *lot* of messages that I don't understand,
    which seem to relate to case-sensitivity and the file system
    being different
  * I run "make test" and it reports that make failed, although make
    itself never actually told me so
  * I give up.

CPAN, as far as I can tell, has no documentation whatever regarding 
OSX and installation issues.

Any advice which will get me anywhere along the way, please let me know.

John Horner                            (+612 / 02) 9333 2110
Senior Developer, ABC Online              http://abc.net.au/

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