On Wednesday, August 14, 2002, at 07:13 , Morbus Iff wrote:

>> #! /usr/bin/perl
>> #! /usr/local/perl
> In the default Perl 5.6.0, it's located at /usr/bin/perl. With a default
> install of Perl 5.8.0, it's installed into /usr/local/bin/perl, but also
> /usr/bin/perl, allowing all scripts to function normally. In the 
> "overwrite
> system" breed of install, the new Perl is installed into /usr/bin/perl
> (only).

{ Editor's Note: my apologies that this is going to be a bit long, and 
but I fear that having illustrations of the issues may help
clarify my concerns... }

This is meandering towards my issue. I am less concerned
with where the 'binary image' for "perl" is actually parked
in the file system -

vladimir: 53:] ls -li /usr/bin/perl /usr/local/bin/perl 
     558745 -rwxr-xr-x   3 root     other    1167212 Aug  4 22:37 /usr/bin/
     558745 -rwxr-xr-x   3 root     other    1167212 Aug  4 22:37 
     558745 -rwxr-xr-x   3 root     other    1167212 Aug  4 22:37 
vladimir: 54:]

one binary with two hard links... and one Inode to rule them all...

I am concerned with how the Config.pm is rigged for dealing with

        a) subsequent installations of "executables"
        b) subsequent installations of "libraries" and "modules"

when building perl - the specific questions from config deal with
such matters as:

        "Do you want to configure vendor-specific add-on directories? [n] y
        Installation prefix to use for vendor-supplied add-ons? (~name ok)
        Installation prefix to use for vendor-supplied add-ons? (~name ok) /usr
        Pathname for the vendor-supplied library files? (~name ok)
        Pathname for vendor-supplied architecture-dependent files? (~name ok)

        Lastly, you can have perl look in other directories for extensions and
        modules in addition to those already specified.

        Enter a colon-separated set of extra paths to include in perl's @INC
        search path, or enter 'none' for no extra paths.

        Where do you keep publicly executable scripts? (~name ok) [/usr/bin]
        Pathname where the add-on public executables should be installed? 
(~name ok)
        [/usr/bin] /usr/local/bin

{ from the linux build... }

Given that I already have 'rules' about how to do this for
the FreeBsd, Solaris, Linux installations - I thought I would
see if darwin, being a bsd derived product, would follow the
more traditional 'BSD-ism' of old.

Things use to roll forward in the format

        /usr/unsupported        - things we are not yet committed to
        /usr/local                      - our site specific tweeks
        /usr                            - vendor supplied, vendor supported

But since I am not seeing 'perl' show up in the 'software updates'
from Apple - it seems that I will be maintaining the perl release
for our darwin boxes - hence.... I would prefer NOT to make a
hash of it all. So jeeves here is still running the 5.6.0 release
that came from Apple - but I have been installing various modules
from the CPAN that I find useful.... but some of that causes
some problems - as with the loss of /usr/bin/head...

{ yet I do not want to go through the game of having to rebuild
mod_perl for apache on the darwin boxes.... so I am somewhat
reluctant to simply 'shift it all and let God choose the losers'
as we went through with the Main WebServer... }

Back in the SunOS 4.X and smaller days, when it was a Pure BSDism
they held to the true faith. Now that the Solaris world of 5.X
has showed up they have gone over to the 'dark side'[1] and become
one with the Evil AT&Tisms - some of which I like. But they started
to deliver a minimal installation of perl 5.005_003 with 5.8 -
and have it all jinkied about in /usr/perl - so my rebuild still
allows that sun may do what it will - and hence the @INC is
built for

whereas my default darwinism from apple is:

rather hinkey that with the duplications there...

Since the Fink Folks are all in league with the idea of following
the AT&T deathStar Sys V isms[2] of /sw - the spawn of /opt - which
was the posix way[3] - it would seem that we will need to rebuild
perl to include their section as a part of the @INC in perl -
which can be done if you include their path section at the question

        "Enter a colon-separated set of extra paths to include in perl's @INC
        search path, or enter 'none' for no extra paths."

which I did with the solaris build to include the /usr/perl5 stuff
as noted above.... Just in case Sun opted to ship anything that
would be targetted at their original notion, and/or, into the
vendor_perl sub directory as occurred with the redhat 7.3 release
of perl....

so all I really want to know is

        "what is the canonical orthodox perl way
                as executed in the canonical orthodox apple way?"[4]

that I should be doing these builds of perl for darwin.[5]



foot notes:

[1] read as 'Spawn of Satan'
[2] op cit supra 1
[3] op cit supra 2
[4] I am still working off enough bad kharma as it is...
[5] God's One True, Holy and Divine Ordering of the Cosmos

ps: Why does it not surprise me that PerlGeeks
have 'religious wars' over whether or not the
bumper sticker philosophies are truer than the
pre bumper sticker philosophies....

but I guess it could be worse...

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