On Thursday, August 15, 2002, at 07:03 , Kay Röpke wrote:
> As 'developers' are a degenerated bunch of animals, they normally
> keep their pack close to them.
> What I mean is: their home directory.

a useful strategy, and a reasonable assertion about
developers in general... 8-)

> You don't develop on *production* servers, that's what development
> systems are for.

> I for my part wouldn't sport any development software on production
> hosts, without being sure that 'users' (programmers?) can cope
> with pathnames ;-)

This appears to be a part of the complication as folks
move into OSX without the 'traditional unix' background
and things are a bit different than the simpler 'apple way'....

I think if we make a distinction between the two basic
types of perl developers:

        a) who are working on the 'perl code' itself
                        eg perl5.X.Y XOR perl6

        b) those working in the "applications" and "Modules"

It will help use sort out which group we are 'poking fun at'.

The former ABSOLUTELY need to have a safe play space - just
as the IT staff needs that 'safe place' to verify that it
is time to 'upgrade' to the next stable production release
of perl M.N.P.... Whereas many IT and Network Operations Center
staff at times do not have the luxury - and have to 'code on the fly',
pending the ECO that will 'fix' the "issue".

but this should not change the simpler equivolency of

        /usr/bin/perl <<==>> /usr/local/bin/perl

so that the #! will 'just work'. This prevents the need to deal with

        'resolve what interpreter should
                take this text file and make it execute'

types of tricks. When the 'code' goes to "production". I think
most of us have 'development environments' - up to and including
a fully distinct %ENV stack of variables that do not point at
the canonical env...

given that some OS's solve all of this by not having
a #! internally defined reference to the interpreter, and do
all of that with 'suffix mapping' - hence one should use *.pl or *.plx
for those files that the #! is merely a 'comment' that is discarded,
I find it just 'simpler' to have the simple equivolencey.

{ both as the SysAddGuy, and as the CoderGuy...}

In the 'long run' - I think more of the 'traditional mac-hacking'
will need to adopt your vision of 'mac as production servers and
production release desk top units' - and go beyond the simpler
and easier days of

        my box, my mistakes, Oopsie....

I will confess that I have not kept up with the macPerl side - and
was concerned when I learned that it had stalled out at around
perl 5.4(???) - correct me if I am wrong. I will be pleased if
they are up to some 5.6.1 release - at least.



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