At 9:39 PM -0500 27/2/03, Sherm Pendley wrote:
It seems like it would bulk up the download, though. For many folks, disk space is plentiful - but bandwidth is not.

You can actually probably ignore this issue. I always felt this way, but reality is that almost no on cares. Look at the stats for downloading things like movie trailers - even folks on dialup modems, when offered different size trailers inevitably pick the largest one, even if it is 100MB. Basically, this issue is less relevant than you'd think it should be.

Another alternative, for something like CB is that you could have an initial install you'd need to do for any CB app to run, and that would be the big one, once that was done, everyone else could just have the relatively small bits they need. It does have the disadvantage that an app would not be a single self contained package, and I think you'll actually find that folks would prefer that, even if it means downloading 5MB instead of 100k.

At the other extreme, I'm also building a static variant of CB and associated project templates. An app built with it will be entirely self-contained, with its own embedded libperl and all needed modules. It actually carries less of a space penalty than I'd expected - a static 5.8.0 libperl.a is around 2MB, but once it's linked into an app and stripped for size, it's only about 900KB.

In that case, don't even think about trying to build a smaller bundle - people in general will not even blink before 10MB these days, and in general wont worry about it until it is *much* bigger than that.


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