On Fri, 21 Mar 2003, Christian Schneider wrote:

> Date: Fri, 21 Mar 2003 01:38:51 +0100
> From: Christian Schneider <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: Ken Y. Clark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Cc: Christian Schneider <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: Compiling libapreq 1.1 on Mac OS 10.2.4
> Ken,
> On Freitag, März 21, 2003, at 01:12  Uhr, Ken Y. Clark wrote:
> >
> >> but you didn't mention it: Did you rebuild the Perl modules as
> >> detailed
> >> in INSTALL.MacOSX in the libapreq source directory?
> >
> > When I was going that route, yes, I did follow those directions.  See
> > my first e-mail about the whole g?libtool(ize)? problems.
> >
> what do you mean when you were going that road? I'm afraid I forgot
> most of what I did but I think I remember you have to remake the Perl
> modules after patching as well as the apache compile doesn't install
> them. That's in that INSTALL file in any case. Or am I misunderstanding
> you?
> Chris

Hmm, I think I'm the one who's a little confused.  I didn't realize
that I still had to run "perl Makefile.PL; make; make install" on the
libapreq source tree -- I thought that the libapreq modules were being
somehow built into the Apache binary and that would be it.  I see now
that I was mistaken.  I just now followed the direction in the
"patches/README" file like so:

    Then build and install apache (+modperl) as normal.  If you want to
    use Apache::Request and Apache::Cookie, you'll also need to remove
    the -lapreq linking flags within Request/Makefile.PL and
    Cookie/Makefile.PL, before doing the perl build of libapreq.
    The following commands should do the trick:

        % cd ..
        % perl -pi.bak -e 's/-lapreq//' Request/Makefile.PL
        % Cookie/Makefile.PL
        % perl Makefile.PL
        % make && make test && make install

At "make test," I get the same "undefined symbols" error.  Argh!  Why
is this so difficult!?  I'm not a dummy, I swear!


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