Perhaps it's because I'm not strong on Perl yet, but I took a bit more of a naive view here --

On 2004.5.1, at 05:22 AM, Joseph Alotta wrote:


I try to back up my system once a week. I have a firewire disk drive that I use for this purpose. I have been using the Lacie software that came with it. Before Panther, I used to be able just to plug it in and run it under my own id. Now I need to log in as root to run it. Which means I can't do anything else until it finishes,

Does logging in concurrently as root not work?

Not that I'd urge you to leave your root account enabled for logging in, concurrently or otherwise.

(I just tried, for grins, under 10.2.8, su-ing to an admin user, then sudo-ing a sh to get a root shell without logging in as root, but open-ing "/Applications/AppleWorks 6" as the root user didn't seem to do anything other than opening the /Applications directory in a GUI window. open-ing "/Applications/" as root runs TextEdit, but the process is owned by the user I'm logged in as. sudoing the open directly from the admin user yields complaints about not being able to map display interlocks or open default connections, etc. That's not Panther, of course.)

 and it takes about 40 minutes.

I am looking to do something more automatic.


1. Can iSync be used for backups? I'm not sure if I have iSync unless it is standard in Panther.

Well, Apple's blurbs seemed to say such things, but I think, when I read the fine print, it was for backing up to your .mac account.

2. Otherwise, has someone wrote a perl program to do this that I can run in cron.

Wasn't there a related thread here just this last week, including mention of either CpMac or ditto?

I'll shut up now.

Joel Rees
    Opinions are like armpits.
    We all have two, they all smell,
    and we really don't want the other guy to get rid of his.

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