On Mon, 23 Aug 2004, william ross wrote:

On 23 Aug 2004, at 12:14, Chris Devers wrote:

On Mon, 23 Aug 2004, william ross wrote:

This will mean that jpegs in that directory can't ever be used on pages

-- which would kind of ruin the fun.

There seems to be an easy workaround though: symlink ~/Sites/images (or whatever it is) to something like ~/Sites/downloads (or similar), and then you automatically get a clone of the directory tree.

That is nice. Or similarly with two similar virtualhosts: download.something.com the same as www.something.com but with the mime-types twisted out of shape. but yours is cleaner.


And either way, this should sidestep most of the security issues that the scripts & path whitelisting approach delved into at length in this thread. If you just symlink it, and treat the two branches differently, then the problem should just magically go away.

Not to say that some clever thought hasn't been going into that part of the thread, but I do think this sidesteps the problem nicely... :-)

-- Chris Devers [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://devers.homeip.net:8080/blog/

np: 'The Greatest Phone Message of All Time'
     by Jonathan Goldstein
     from 'This American Life: Crimebusters and Crossed Wires'

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