On Tue, Aug 24, 2004 at 07:03:30AM -0400, Sherm Pendley wrote:
> On Aug 23, 2004, at 5:15 PM, Rick Frankel wrote:
> Short answer: Perl objects can't be used as outline objects.
> Long answer: When you pass a Perl object to a Cocoa method, a ObjC 
> stand-in is created, but not retained. Ordinarily, if the receiving 
> object needs access to it later, it retains the passed-in object. 
> NSOutlineView doesn't follow this "cardinal rule" of Cocoa memory 
> management - it needs to access the same objects at a later time, but 
> it doesn't retain them itself.

Thanks. The long answer is what I was looking for. Is it possible to
instantiate proxy objects (of type NSObject?) in perl and assign them
references to the perl objects which can be dereferenced in the
callbacks, or do I have to either use an NSDictionary as in the
OutlineView example or use e.g, NSStrings containing a key (path) to
the perl object stored in an instance variable?

It's funny that everything but the deferencing the current row
(including the edit callbacks) "seem" to work properly.


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