On Sep 3, 2004, at 12:37 AM, Bill Stephenson wrote:

Those BBEdit guys went and implemented another of my "wish list" feature requests! Remember the one about a button that allowed you to view output from a perl script in a browser? It's apparently in 8.0, as well as some other pretty cool new features.

With Mac OS X, I have a real Apache install to work with. I can edit CGI scripts and mod_perl handlers in-place, and simply cmd-tab to Safari and reload the page. I can configure Console.app to automagically pop itself to the front of the window stack whenever anything gets appended to Apache's (or some other) error log.

I haven't looked at the whole feature list, but this one particular feature sounds like it's too late to be useful. All by itself, it would have been worth the upgrade price five years ago, when I was using BBEdit 5 on Mac OS 8.6. But now... why should I switch to using a CGI simulation, when the Real Thing (tm) is installed by default with the OS, and so smoothly integrated into the environment?


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