On Thu, 9 Sep 2004 15:07:52 -0500, Bill Stephenson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Well, first off, I just think it's cool that they implemented a feature
> I requested. But beyond that, it's still cool because it does use the
> built-in apache/perl to accomplish this and it does so with a few less
> clicks (I think, I haven't used it yet) than what you describe above.

I'm curious as to the attraction of BBEdit. Coming from a Unix/Windows
background, I find that whilst it seems pretty solid and has some nice
features, it costs at least five times more than any sane person
should be prepared to pay. But even taking that into account, it
actually seems to do *less* (at least for me!) than the free
alternatives that ship by default on OS X (personally, I use Vim).

OK, so its integration into the enitre OS is generally a lot better
than the "free" stuff, but...

So why the attraction? Is it really only old OS <=9 users that use it,
or am I really missing something?

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