This is the first beta of ShuX 3.0. It's all-new, rewritten from the ground up to use the new features in the upcoming release of CamelBones 1.0. It uses Cocoa Bindings, which require Mac OS X 10.3, aka "Panther".

One of the features of CamelBones 1.0 will be the ability to package stand alone apps that require no external framework, and can be "installed" with a simple drag-and-drop. This release takes advantage of that - just mount the disk image and drop ShuX wherever you want.

There are a handful of missing features in this release, most notably hyperlinks and a document toolbar. These will be added to the final release.

This release does not work on Mac OS X 10.4, aka "Tiger". A version of ShuX that works on both Panther and Tiger will be released on or very near Tiger's release date.

< group_id=48040&package_id=147466>


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