Ian Ragsdale wrote:
> On Jun 6, 2005, at 5:18 PM, Joel Rees wrote:
>> Jobs is insane.
> I'm not so sure about that.  IBM seems unwilling or unable to produce 
> mobile G5s, which is a market that Apple considers very important.  
> They also are 2 years behind schedule on 3.0Ghz G5s, and appear to be 
> focusing on video game processors instead of desktop and mobile 
> processors.
> Apple might be OK in a speed comparison right now (on desktops, they 
> are clearly losing in laptop comparisons), but how about in two  years? 
> Perhaps IBM has told Apple that they won't attempt a laptop  chip, since
> the volume is way higher for video game consoles?  What  should Apple do?

They should have released Mac OS X for Intel as soon as they had it
ready. Why wait? It seems Apple is too caught up in their own keynotes
to understand volume sales. One thing M$ was definitely *always* better
at. IBM will probably laugh this one to the bank, not exactly going to
put a dent in that $99 billion in revenue...

> Personally, it looks like it will be a bit painful for a few years,  but
> a far better move in the long run.

Unless they become just another cheap clone maker with a pretty software
interface. (Did I hear someone say Sun?)

> Ian


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