On 7-Jun-05, at 1:57 PM, Wiggins d'Anconia wrote:

Why wouldn't you?  Memory, drives, video, etc. are all the same right
now. Motherboard has pretty standard features, other than it is setup
for a Power processor. Apple has been going cheap for a while, SCSI ->
IDE ring any bells? It would be a real shame if they didn't allow you to
install OS X on any commodity PC, once again back to that whole volume
issue. Without a different chip, Macs really are just a pretty looking
box with a nice software package preinstalled. Darwin runs on Intel
already (mostly) which is the real key, if Apple goes through with this
and won't let you install on a commidity PC then they really missed the
boat, in fact I would say they couldn't even find the dock.

Quoting cnet <http://news.com.com/Apple+throws+the+switch%2C+aligns+with+Intel+- +page+2/2100-7341_3-5733756-2.html?tag=st.next>
After Jobs' presentation, Apple Senior Vice President Phil Schiller addressed the issue of running Windows on Macs, saying there are no plans to sell or support Windows on an Intel-based Mac. "That doesn't preclude someone from running it on a Mac. They probably will," he said. "We won't do anything to preclude that." However, Schiller said the company does not plan to let people run Mac OS X on other computer makers' hardware. "We will not allow running Mac OS X on anything other than an Apple Mac," he said.

Shades of Sony...

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