On 2012-10-15 22:47 , Ryan Schmidt wrote:
> On Oct 15, 2012, at 06:45, Blair Zajac wrote:
>> On 10/15/2012 02:36 AM, Ryan Schmidt wrote:
>>> http://lists.macosforge.org/pipermail/macports-dev/2012-October/020636.html
>>> In this case, the package with the compiler baked in is apr.
>>> To work around the problem, you could rebuild apr on your machine.
>>> sudo port -ns upgrade --force apr
>>> Then clean serf1 before trying again.
>>> sudo port clean serf1
>> A good reason for MacPorts to have a ${prefix}/bin/cc that is a symlink to 
>> the system's compiler.
> I agree generally with what jmr wrote earlier: any port not respecting the 
> value of configure.compiler should be made to do so. That will solve the 
> problem.

That said, it probably wouldn't hurt to do a simple reinplace to insert
the current configure.compiler in post-activate if that's all it takes?
There are legitimate reasons why users might do things that use the
baked-in value (regardless of a single baked-in value not being a great
design), such as using pip in a virtualenv in the case of python.

- Josh
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