On Mon, Nov 14, 2016 at 11:36 AM, Rainer Müller <rai...@macports.org> wrote:

> On 2016-11-14 18:11, Eric A. Borisch wrote:
> > If squash-and-merge is what we're going to want for pull requests, can
> > we re-enable the button? (Also known as, if we're using GitHub, can we
> > use GitHub?) Ideally contributions from others (like this pull request)
> > should be as painless (read as: fewest steps that still achieve the
> > desired ends) as possible on both sides.
> In the migration, we were reluctant to enable "Squash and merge", as it
> would be the default option when enabled. GitHub does not allow to
> select a different default. Developers without Git/GitHub experience
> (and there seem to be quite a few) might be tempted to just press the
> default button. As there was a consensus to keep the history mostly
> linear [1], "Rebase and merge" was the best compromise as default, which
> is only achievable by disabling the other options.
> Maintainers should checkout the pull request to test the changes, so
> they can also squash and rebase the commits locally and then push the
> result. Just remember to add the appropriate "Closes: #xx" to the commit
> message, so GitHub can properly attribute the change.
> Rainer
> [1] https://trac.macports.org/wiki/WorkingWithGit#Rebasing

OK, so to be pedantic, instead of using the the GitHub "Squash and merge"
button (one click) committers are going to:

1) Go to their local (filesystem) copy of macports-ports
2) git checkout -b dgsb-master master
3) git pull git://github.com/dgsb/macports-ports.git master  (Or grab the
patch from GH and apply that?)
4+) "squash and rebase magic command(s) here including Closes: #xx
verbiage" (Guessing this is might be two commands. One at a minimum.)
5) git push origin master

All without accidentally changing/committing/appropriate-git-verb-ing any
other local WIP changes.

I like the one-click approach here, for obvious reasons. Yes, I'm sure
anyone can become adept at the steps above -- but I believe the one-click
approach will still be faster (I'll race you: aaaaaand done.) and will have
less potential user error. Assuming this (multi-step process above) is the
same workflow the S&M button automates for you behind the scenes, I think
it would be better in the long run to train developers when to use squash+M
vs. rebase+M, and let us leverage the benefits of GH.

I suppose the other option is to ask the submitter to resubmit this as one
change, and then use the Rebase & Merge button? The only reason I still
like the S&M button is that it lowers the barrier to contributing... If we
wanted to ask the submitter to resubmit, what is the proper action to ask

  - Eric

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