On 2016-11-14 20:44, Eric A. Borisch wrote:
> As a wish list item, It would be awesome to have an automated build that
> would run at least through the checksum phase for PRs with just version
> # and checksum changes.

This would be nice indeed. However, as Portfiles are executable code,
this requires proper isolation to avoid system-wide file access and
accessing the network. For example this could be done by spinning up a
new, clean VM for every Portfile.

A particular problem is that MacPorts requires a) macOS and b) root for
many operations. This rules out almost all CI systems available for open
source projects.

For example Travis CI offers OS X [1], even with root access [2].
I would assume a simple check with 'port lint' should be possible to be
deployed there quickly and be integrated with GitHub quite nicely. For
such basic checks, the exact version of the OS should also not matter.

Although, scripting to build ports already exists for our buildbot [3].
The alternative to the above would therefore be to roll our own tooling
on the buildbot infrastructure with VM snapshots, but that will be a lot
more work.

Contributions welcome! :-)


[1] https://docs.travis-ci.com/user/osx-ci-environment/#OS-X-Version
[3] https://github.com/macports/mpbb

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