Please tell me how I would know whether or not my installation had been 
corrupted. Certainly worth checking out. If so, how would I reinstall it?

Pam Francis

On Oct 19, 2014, at 5:20 PM, Juan Hernandez <juanhernande...@gmail.com> wrote:

Spotlight is working for me.  Could your installation become corrupted? 
> On Oct 19, 2014, at 7:54 AM, Pamela Francis <gypsykitt...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I have an artist on my machine called the Eagles. Spot light would not pull 
> it up. It gave me everything but, including any email I had relating to any 
> threat I had having to do with computers. I should be able to type in 
> precisely what I'm looking for getting the results I know are there. I could 
> do that in Mavericks. This OS is garbage.
> Pam Francis
> On Oct 19, 2014, at 9:46 AM, Alex Hall <mehg...@icloud.com> wrote:
> What sort of keywords? I'll put a couple songs on this machine and try the 
> same search you did, to see if I can get the same (inaccessible) results.
>> On Oct 19, 2014, at 10:37 AM, Pamela Francis <gypsykitt...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> No I have not done that. I didn't know it existed. However, I shouldn't have 
>> to. I would think the OS would be smart enough to understand keywords, 
>> knowing what it was supposed to be searching for to start with.
>> Pam Francis
>> On Oct 19, 2014, at 9:28 AM, Alex Hall <mehg...@icloud.com> wrote:
>> I don't have music stored locally, but if I search for other files, they 
>> come up. Have you explored the Spotlight preferences (under System 
>> Preferences)? You can uncheck items you don't want searched, and sort the 
>> order of result types.
>>> On Oct 19, 2014, at 10:17 AM, Pamela Francis <gypsykitt...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi Alex,
>>> I was originally attempting to search for music title on my Mac. As I did 
>>> that, everything including email having nothing to do with what I was 
>>> searching for, web search results that were unlabeled, also having nothing 
>>> to do with what I was attempting to find. I gave up.
>>> I realize in some ways that letter was not very nice, however, someone 
>>> needs to be made aware that even though we are in my Nordie, we still have 
>>> issues. If that both concentration is now on what makes it look pretty 
>>> rather than functionality, they may as well did ditch accessibility. If 
>>> they are not going to do it right, leaving us with a half-baked product, 
>>> figuring we have to settle for whatever they give us, that's crap. I have 
>>> totally lost all faith in them with this release. As I said in another 
>>> post, they have traded quality for quantity and apologies. I know nothing 
>>> is perfect. However I also know for the prices they charge, it would not 
>>> hurt them to take the time to do it right. All the read these dates, and 
>>> updates, it won't matter, unless you have a product worth releasing and 
>>> updating.
>>> Pam Francis
>>> On Oct 19, 2014, at 9:06 AM, Alex Hall <mehg...@icloud.com> wrote:
>>> I agree that it would be great if Apple put out a document or iBook 
>>> explaining the accessibility and interface changes with each release. In 
>>> fact, this is something that I have urged them to do in the past, for iOS 
>>> and OS X.
>>> I don't use iTunes much, so I can't comment on that, but I will say that I 
>>> have not used the sidebar in that app since it became optional last year, 
>>> and I have no problems. Spotlight is better, for me at least, than it was 
>>> in 10.9. Can you provide an example of what you search for that gives you 
>>> the unlabeled items? I know it might not work on my machine since our two 
>>> Macs will have very different files on them, but if it is a web search 
>>> result, I might be able to duplicate the problem. So far, I haven't seen 
>>> anything not labeled, except the Maps thumbnail when a nearby business is a 
>>> result.
>>> As to Windows, consider this: when Windows 8 came out as an upgrade to 
>>> Windows 7, the interface was far, far more radically altered than is that 
>>> of Yosemite compared to Mavericks. Windows 10 will be out next year, with 
>>> yet more profound alterations over Windows 8. Microsoft will not release a 
>>> changes document with an eye toward accessibility either, and since Apple 
>>> doesn't force Mac users to upgrade, I'm not sure I see the difference here. 
>>> Yes, Microsoft has much more public betas, so people know what to expect 
>>> before release day, but the same information comes out within a couple days 
>>> of a new OS X release. Plus, to my knowledge, there is no site equivalent 
>>> to AppleVis for Windows, so finding out what changed in accessibility is 
>>> more difficult.
>>> I'm not saying Apple is perfect, and I'm not saying they don't have worse 
>>> quality assurance than they have in the past (look at iOS8, or the simple 
>>> bugs not caught in Yosemite). I'm not saying Windows is a worse operating 
>>> system objectively, though it is to me personally. What I am saying is that 
>>> iTunes still does what I need, even if it looks different, and I have no 
>>> problems with Spotlight. It works even better than it did in Mavericks 
>>> (specifically, navigation is more reliable and it pulls in far more 
>>> information), and I have found no show-stopping bugs in this release.
>>>> On Oct 19, 2014, at 2:28 AM, Pamela Francis <gypsykitt...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Apple has so much broken this OS. I have no idea why they would think of 
>>>> releasing it without having paid more attention to what they were doing.
>>>> I wrote this to the accessibility email address, even though it may not be 
>>>> totally their fault, I can't believe they don't have some input into what 
>>>> goes into their new OS.
>>>> Hello,
>>>> I am extremely disappointed with the lack of attention paid to 
>>>> accessibility in your latest OS10 release.
>>>> You overhauled the look of your software, while not thinking of those of 
>>>> us who have grown to trust you with our accessibility needs.
>>>> I know many visually impaired beta testers, most under NDA with you per 
>>>> each release of both desktop & IOS software.
>>>> I realize we are a minority in the big picture of your customer base. 
>>>> However, if one has paid money to participate in  your testers program & 
>>>> is paid lipservice to what is reported, what good are the testers? Has the 
>>>> quality control suffered because the upgrades are now free? 
>>>> Aren't we as a disability community owed a description of what we can 
>>>> expect in terms we understand? It looks pretty, but acts very much like 
>>>> something from a crackerjack box.
>>>> I can't get to my music in Itunes because the views I have become used to 
>>>> have disappeared. There is no more sidebar.
>>>> In spotlight search, which is supposed to search for references outside my 
>>>> Mac, I hear either the words button or image in the search results.
>>>> How is this useful to me or anyone who would try to use it with no vision?
>>>> As I stated earlier, there are those who have been under NDA to attempt to 
>>>> alert you of the issues before release. Those same people had enough 
>>>> respect for their contracts to not divulge issues that may concern the 
>>>> rest of us. However, in return we all got slapped in the face.
>>>> There is a site that gathers bugs, along with other content. 
>>>> In case you are interested go to www.applevis.com
>>>> As has been shown, I doubt any of this will be taken to heart. 
>>>> I can only hope.
>>>> My next computer, if I need one will be a Windows machine. They are 
>>>> cheaper, maybe a little buggy, yet I know what I am getting.
>>>> Premium prices should reflect premium quality in every sense of the word.
>>>> Pamela Francis            
>>>> Pam Francis
>>>> On Oct 18, 2014, at 8:47 PM, Alex Hall <mehg...@icloud.com> wrote:
>>>> It's now called Dictation Commands, and is coupled with Dictation. Enable 
>>>> it in accessibility preferences, and use it by pressing the same command 
>>>> you'd use to start dictation (press that key once more to stop). The 
>>>> problem is that VoiceOver is muted during all dictation, which now 
>>>> includes issuing commands, so even if a command works, you get no spoken 
>>>> feedback.
>>>>> On Oct 18, 2014, at 5:55 PM, Faisal <newyorkyank...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> Hi everyone,
>>>>> did they completely do away with voice commands on Yosemite? My key 
>>>>> trigger no longer works and I couldn’t find it in system preferences.
>>>>> Thanks
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>>>> Have a great day,
>>>> Alex Hall
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>> Have a great day,
>> Alex Hall
>> mehg...@icloud.com
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> Have a great day,
> Alex Hall
> mehg...@icloud.com
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