I mean explained. 
On Nov 15, 2009, at 4:26 PM, Karen Lewellen wrote:

> sorry!
> I will try again.  This is a case, on the inside, you literary place your 
> physical hard drive, as in remove the drive itself form its protective 
> case, place it in the in closure, and connect the enclosure to your 
> computer using any one of the connections on the outside of the enclosure 
> case.  your hard drive connects just as it would normally, say ide or 
> something, and the enclosure lets your computer recognize the drive.
> better?
> Laren
> On Sun, 15 Nov 2009, Chantel Cuddemi wrote:
>> But that doesn't answer my question. What does a hard drive enclosure do?
>> On Nov 15, 2009, at 3:47 PM, Karen Lewellen wrote:
>>> They can be a divine gift for a computer user.  I learned about them from
>>> Lachie who makes the drive I store audio on when using pro tools.  When
>>> the firewire port on my drive's case got damaged, they suggested finding
>>> an enclosure instead of the more costly drive replacement..even sent me
>>> some store ideas.  Indeed they can connect to usb as well and can hold a
>>> variety of hard drive styles.
>>> Karen
>>> On Sun, 15 Nov 2009, Chantel Cuddemi wrote:
>>>> Sorry for being dumb, but what's a hard drive enclosure?
>>>> On Nov 15, 2009, at 3:13 PM, Maxwell Ivey Jr. wrote:
>>>>> have you thought about getting a hard drive enclosure?  They aren't
>>>>> very expensive, and then you could connect it to whatever computer you
>>>>> want via u s b.  My brother has rescued me a couple times over the
>>>>> years using this method.  good luck, max
>>>>> On Nov 15, 2009, at 12:02 PM, Tiffany D wrote:
>>>>>> Yeah, I'm gonna get sighted assistance to take out the hard drive from
>>>>>> this Mac and put it in the other one.  The second isn't mine and I'd
>>>>>> get in huge trouble if anything ever happened to it.  Anyway, I think
>>>>>> just emptying the trash and deleting cookies etc should be fine.  It
>>>>>> isn't confidential for work or anything. *smile*  I also want to save
>>>>>> a folder to my desktop but that one's not too important.  It's really
>>>>>> too bad that I can't just start up my Mac or connect the two somehow
>>>>>> to do this stuff instead of messing around with the drives themselves.
>>>>>> On 15/11/2009, ben mustill-rose <bmustillr...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>> Do you really think that some apple tech is really going to be
>>>>>>> interested in your diary or something? If your worrid about
>>>>>>> passwords,
>>>>>>> surely theres a way to make apps like safari forget them?
>>>>>>> On 15/11/2009, Tiffany D <tiffani...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Some of them are personal and I'd like to delete them for safety
>>>>>>>> reasons.
>>>>>>>> On 15/11/2009, ben mustill-rose <bmustillr...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> If the drive is a user replaceable part, it won't void anything.
>>>>>>>>> If I
>>>>>>>>> were in your situation I would just take the drive out and usb it
>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>> another machine, but i'm not sure what osx does about accessing
>>>>>>>>> encrypted files - ie: all your data?? The other problem your
>>>>>>>>> going to
>>>>>>>>> have is that you probably don't have a sata to usb converter to
>>>>>>>>> connect the drive to another machine, however, if you have a
>>>>>>>>> desktop
>>>>>>>>> with sata ports, you can open it up and plug the drive in that
>>>>>>>>> way if
>>>>>>>>> you really really want to.
>>>>>>>>> Just out of interest, why do you want to delete your files? Its not
>>>>>>>>> like the drives dead, so you should be getting it back just as you
>>>>>>>>> sent it.
>>>>>>>>> On 15/11/2009, Tiffany D <tiffani...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Hi guys,
>>>>>>>>>> Well, the built-in keyboard started working for a bit and then
>>>>>>>>>> quit
>>>>>>>>>> again.  Now I can't even turn the machine on.  I tried charging
>>>>>>>>>> it and
>>>>>>>>>> that didn't work.  I removed the battery to use it on ac power and
>>>>>>>>>> still no luck.  I've got files in there that I want to delete
>>>>>>>>>> before
>>>>>>>>>> sending it in.  We have another Macbook in the house and I tried
>>>>>>>>>> both
>>>>>>>>>> adapters and got the same result.  Is there a way for me to jump
>>>>>>>>>> start
>>>>>>>>>> mine with the other one, or to connect the two using a usb cord or
>>>>>>>>>> something so I could access the hard drive?  I want to remove the
>>>>>>>>>> drive and put it in the other Mac but Mom says that'll void the
>>>>>>>>>> warranty.  At this point, I don't really care.  I just want my
>>>>>>>>>> files
>>>>>>>>>> out and for this to end.  Please, if anyone can help me, I'd
>>>>>>>>>> really
>>>>>>>>>> appreciate it.
>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>> Eleni
>>>>>>>>>> On 13/11/2009, Scott Howell <scottn3...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> If you purchased Apple Care for your machine, then it likely
>>>>>>>>>>> is. If you
>>>>>>>>>>> have
>>>>>>>>>>> Apple Care, you should call them or get to an Apple store/
>>>>>>>>>>> authorized
>>>>>>>>>>> dealer
>>>>>>>>>>> as soon as possible. After all, 2010 isn't very far away.
>>>>>>>>>>> On Nov 12, 2009, at 8:27 PM, Tiffany D wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> This external keyboard is driving me nuts!  It seems to be
>>>>>>>>>>>> missing a
>>>>>>>>>>>> key on the left side (my macbook has four on that side and
>>>>>>>>>>>> this one
>>>>>>>>>>>> only has three), the escape key is stuck down and I can't
>>>>>>>>>>>> shift tab,
>>>>>>>>>>>> though I can tab.  I haven't changed synths to hear the pitch
>>>>>>>>>>>> when I
>>>>>>>>>>>> write a capital letter so must do that to see what's going on
>>>>>>>>>>>> there.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Anyway, I'm wondering if this is still under warranty.  I got
>>>>>>>>>>>> it in
>>>>>>>>>>>> December 2007.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>>>> Eleni
>>>>>>>>>>>> On 12/11/2009, Tiffany D <tiffani...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Aa bravo.  Thanks.  That makes my life a whole lot easier.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 12/11/2009, Scott Howell <scottn3...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Most any card reader will work fine on the Mac.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Nov 12, 2009, at 7:03 PM, Tiffany D wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Okay.  I got my external keyboard and it works fine.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> whatever this
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is, it seems to be a hardware issue.  I wonder if it'll
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> help to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> upgrade to the latest version of Leopard.  I'm gonna do an
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> update
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> see what happens.  I had this happen last time and they put
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> on a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> new
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> keyboard, so it should be doing this.  Also, last time, it
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> was just
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> few keys.  Now, it seems to be the whole keyboard.  Does
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> anyone
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> know
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of a compact flash card reader that's compatible with the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mac?  I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> was
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> planning on getting some type II cards and an adapter in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> any case
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> use with my Windows and DOS machines, but I might have to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> do this
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> alot
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sooner than I thought.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Eleni
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 12/11/2009, Tiffany D <tiffani...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I'm responding with my old address, where I get full
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> messages, so
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> won't clutter the inboxes of those who get this list in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> digest
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> mode
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> like I do at the other.  Anyway, I'll definitely try the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> keyboard.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> got my macbook in December of 2007.  It's running whatever
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> version
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> was before the last automatic update.  I never really took
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> notice,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sorry.  If anyone has any other suggestions, please feel
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> free to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> offer
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> them.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Eleni
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 12/11/2009, James & Nash
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <james.austin1...@googlemail.com>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Eleni,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Well it doesn't sound as if your sound is muted as VO
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> greets you.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> What
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> version of Mac OS X are you running and when did you buy
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> your Mac
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> was
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2008?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> TC
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> James
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> From: "Eleni Vamvakari" <magkis...@gmail.com>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> To: <macvisionaries@googlegroups.com>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sent: Thursday, November 12, 2009 7:43 PM
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Subject: Major Problem with macbook, Need Help ASAP
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> *Sending to The Zone BBS and Mac Visionaries.*
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I'm having a major problem with my Macbook and have no
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> clue
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> what's
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> going on.  I was writing something in Text Edit and then
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I lost
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> speech.  I tried turning Voiceover back on but with no
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> luck.  So
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> restarted the machine.  It started fine but again, no
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> speech
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> when
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> pressed keys.  Yet Voiceover does start cause it greets
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> me, and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> so
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> does Skype, so I know the programs are working.  It
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> seems that
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> my
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> keyboard control has completely gone.  I checked to see
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> if it
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> was
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> because I had it on Greek layout but that's not the case
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> because
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> even
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the command for turning VO on and off isn't working.  I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> have an
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> external keyboard but don't know where it is right now
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to test
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> if
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it's
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the hardware.  Any suggestions or help would really be
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> appreciated.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> have no other modern machines available now except the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> large
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> desktop
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that I'm working on which is downstairs and I'm now living
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> upstairs.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I'm on Windows now, and this pc has some kind of a mic/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> line in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> problem, so aside from replying here, I can only use MSN
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> scholar1...@hotmail.com, e-mail magkis...@gmail.com or,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> as a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> last
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> resort, the chat portion of Skype Therebetisa.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Eleni
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> Kind regards, BEN.
>>>>>>>>> email: bmustillr...@gmail.com
>>>>>>>>> msn: benmustillr...@hotmail.com
>>>>>>>>> web: http://www.bmr.me.uk (under construction)
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> Kind regards, BEN.
>>>>>>> email: bmustillr...@gmail.com
>>>>>>> msn: benmustillr...@hotmail.com
>>>>>>> web: http://www.bmr.me.uk (under construction)
> > 

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