
If you're looking for a list of basic Mac OS X keyboard shortcuts, you can find 
it here: http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1343.

Thank you as well for the other feedback that came in in this string.  Good for 
us to take back to the team internally.

Apple Accessibility

On Jun 3, 2010, at 12:14 PM, Mary Otten wrote:

> Hi Eric,
> Your point about not doubling up on existing Mac keyboard shortcuts makes a 
> lot of sense. So, the obvious question, is there a list of such shortcuts in 
> one place? I found one once, but it has a lot of truly esoteric stuff in it 
> that I'd never heard of, much less that I would use. No, I can't think of 
> examples right now, but it wasn't a garden variety commonly used commands 
> list. I'm not even sure it included the go to dock command that you just 
> mentioned. I use the VO commands because they are what is easily accessible 
> in the VO help and getting started. 
> I'm unimpressed with  the lack of publicity around Mac keyboard commands, but 
> Apple's not alone, in that MS doesn't exactly feature keyboard support 
> prominently either. I suspect its because so many sighted people can't type 
> without looking at the keyboard these days, and so many think its such a 
> hardship to keyboard. If its not a touch screen or a mouse, they can't do it.
> mary

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