Hi List!


My name is Sarah.  I'm from Minneapolis, Minnesota and am mostly blind.  For
my birthday, a little over a month ago, I received a Macbook.  I have always
been a PC and Jaws user.  A friend of mine, who visited me this past
September, had his Macbook with him and he used voice over with it.  I
thought it was so cool and seemed more user friendly than Jaws.  So when my
parents gave me the Macbook for my birthday, along with a year's worth of
training over the phone and at the Apple store through Apple cares; I was
utterly amazed and taken aback.  My friend, who introduced me to the Mac,
was in town for my birthday.  My Mom said "your Dad and I thought it would
be a perfect time to give it to you because Mark can help you get acquainted
with it while he's here."  I do love my Macbook and the voice over voices
are so much better than Jaws voice selections by far!  I am having some
frustrations with the Mac, but I knew that would be par for the course,
because I am learning a new type of computer and software.  I alos am unable
to receive my e-mail through my Macbook yet.  For some reason when I try to
set up my G mail account, either I do something wrong, or it just doesn't
want to accept the settings.  Besides that I am navigating Safari quite
well.  I need to call and set up an appointment, with the people at the
Apple store near me, to start my year's worth of training.  I also received
an I-Pod shuffle from my brother along with a twenty-five dollar I-tunes
gift card from my niece and nephew.  So I will be all set with Apple
products.  I don't have an I-phone though.  I looked at one when I needed to
purchase a new phone.  It wouldn't work for me.  I have very short, wide,
and stubby fingers.  When I tried to use the touch screen pad the commands
wouldn't work for me.  So I'm sticking with Verizon.  I have their Haven
phone which I love.


I'm hoping that all you experienced Mac users with voice over will be able
to answer all the questions that is newbie will have for you when I get
stuck in a jam. *smile*  I know that I'll love switching over to the Mac
even though I'll get frustrated from time-to-time.  Also I'm wondering if
any of you are Braille Sense product users?  And if so are you able to use
your Braille Sense product with the Mac?  I have a Braille Sense Plus.  I'm
just curious.


Well, I thought I'd introduce myself by saying hello and look forward in
learning a lot from this list.



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