I read and replied to your other message before this, so thanks for already
sending a description on how to swap those keys.

-----Original Message-----
From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
[mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Paul Erkens
Sent: Monday, September 05, 2011 10:01 AM
To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: Running a Mac with Windows on

Hi Eric Caron,

Your first question, what to do about a non-existent insert key inside a
virtual machine, is quite a story if you want to know the ins and outs.
Along the way, we will get there. Here you go.

First off, it is true that you have no insert key on the mac, while you
often do need one in windows. You can create a key mapping for yourself in 1
of 2 ways. Either using fusion itself, and there is no real down side as far
as I'm aware, but it is a little trickey to set up because of an interface
issue in fusion. The other way to get an insert key is to use the sharp keys
program. Sharp keys lets you remap a few more keys than fusion will allow.
For example, using sharp keys, you can even remap your right command, or
your right option key, to the windows insert.

If you do it via fusion, then all your virtual machines willl get an insert
key. If you have windows 7 and xp like I do, creating the insert key using
the fusion keyboard remapper creates it for all virtual machines because
fusion only allows you to do it inside its global preferences, command
comma, and not on a per machine basis, command e.

If you create your insert key using sharp keys, then it is going to be a
local setting for that windows installation only, because sharp keys
modifies the windows registry to do the trick. Both methods will give you
the same result: an insert key that is not just insert, but that can be held
down as if it were a modifier key for other keys.

This answers your other issue, where capslock cannot be used inside the
virtual machine as a modifier. It works as  a caps lock, but you can't hold
it down and press a letter inside the virtual machine, in order to give
commands to your screen reader. Sharp keys and fusion itself though, will
give you an insert key like the one on a normal windows computer. This lets
you use insert rather than caps lock for your screen reader's commands, so
let's concentrate on insert, and I will leave caps lock for someone else.

Now, let's look at the way you can do it inside fusion. I'm using fusion
3.1.3, which is the latest version as of today. To update, go to the menu
bar in fusion, vo m, then once right, then down to check for updates, and
then follow the instructions.

First, fire up fusion and, just to be certain, have your virtual machines
shut down. Then press command comma to open fusion's global preferences.

At the top of this window is a toolbar. Interact with it and click keyboard
and mouse. A new window will appear.

The first thing you will encounter is a pop up button where you choose your
keyboard and mouse profile. The window itself consists of 4 tab sheets, and
all those settings together are stored in a keyboard and mouse profile. I
don't think we will ever need a second profile, but that's what the button
allows. Leave it at its default.

The first tab sheet of this dialog,  named, key mappings, is where you can
swap your windows logo and alt keys. By default, fusion will map your
command key to the windows logo key, and your option key to the windows alt
key. This is not very intuitive for those of us who are used to windows and
its keyboard layout, but it's easy to swap them. See below. In this window,
you will also be able to create your insert key inside fusion, and if you
want, give yourself a num lock toggle as well.

If you look at this table, then many mac keys are mapped to some windows
counterparts. Personally, I don't think that is necessary at all. For
example, in windows, you use control plus c to copy an item to the
clipboard. On the mac, we're used to pressing command plus c to copy. In
fusion, there is a default key mapping that makes command c the equivalent
of control c. In other words, pressing control c or command c in windows
will do the same thing. This is non-standard windows tweaking I don't like,
so what I did to begin with, is clear this entire list. To the right of this
table, you have 2 unlabeled buttons. The left one is add, and the right one
is delete and entry in this table. Just focus on the right button of the 2,
and hit vo space until the list is empty. You will also delete the undesired
alt and windows logo key mappings this way.

Now, you must create your own mappings, so that your mac command key will
become the alt key in windows, and so that your option key can become your
windows logo key inside windows. Here's how to do it.

First, click add, to add a new mapping to the table. This is the left
unlabeled button, to the right of the table. A new window appears, that you
will later close with an ok button to return here.

In the new window, you see your mac modifier keys with checkboxes, and a
combo box for an additional key. For example, you will hear shift unchecked
checkbox, and command, unchecked checkbox. In this case, where we want to
map our option key to the windows logo key, we don't need the combo boxes in
this dialog, so ignore them for now. Focus on the from, and the to, parts.

We are mapping our option key to the windows logo key. In the from, area,
tick the checkbox for the option key. Leave the rest in the from for what it
is. Next, find the text that says, to. Here, you will find checkboxes for
the windows counterparts of the mac key you are mapping. Now take care. One
of those checkboxes will only say, checkbox, without a description like alt,
or control. It is this unlabeled checkbox that we need to map our option key
to. On the screen, this checkbox, in the to, field, is an icon with the
windows logo key. So tick that box. Finally, proceed to the okay button and
press it. You will return to the command comma, toolbar item keyboard and
mouse screen, where you pressed the unlabeled add button. your first key
mapping, is in place. Option is now windows logo as soon as the virtual
windows machine is active.

Now, repeat the same procedure for your alt key. So, click add, then in the
from, field, tick command, then in the to, field, click alt, and press okay.

Now that you know how to remap keys, you can do the same thing for your
insert key. However, this is where it is a little tricky and you will soon
understand why.

As above, again click the add button in this dialog. Reminder: we came here
by starting fusion, then command comma, then keyboard and mouse from the
toolbar, then the first tab sheet named key mappings.

After the remapper dialog with the from, and to, field, appears again, do
the following to create your insert key.

In the from, field, you need to choose which key on your keyboard is going
to loose its function for windows, and act as your new insert key. Leave all
the checkboxes for the modifier keys like shift, option etc alone, and focus
on the combo box with voiceover. Once focus is on this field, assuming you
have keyboard focus track your voiceover cursor, as is the voiceover
default, then you can now input the key you wish. I use the accent key, just
below escape on the mac keyboard. Press it, or press your own choice, and
you will hear it spoken by voiceover.

Of course, because this is a combo box, it does have a few presets, and you
can reach them with vo space. However, once you do this, you cannot get out
of the box anymore with vo right or anything, because that keystroke too,
will be interpreted as the key combination you are going to map. So, my
advice is not to go through the 13 presets  of this combo. Instead, never
open it and just type your desired insert key replacement, once the
voiceover cursor and keyboard focus is on the combo box in the from, field.
Don't open the combo, just type your key when the box is focused.

Now, focus on the combo box of the to, field. This second combo box, you do
need to open with vo space, because you need to select the item named
insert. However, you should only walk to it with the voiceover cursor, and
you should not press vo space. This is the oddity you need to be aware of.
This is because if you press vo space on the insert item in the combo box,
then vo space, as well as all subsequent keys, will be interpreted as the
key you want to execute when you press accent, and you don't have a way to
close the combo box to get to the okay button.

So, after walking to the insert item with voiceover, and the to, combo box
is still open, you must command tab away from fusion, to have os10 focus
move out of the combo box. Depending on what you had open, you may land in
the finder. Command tabbing away from fusion is the only keystroke I have
found, to get you away from the combo box. Then, simply command tab back
into fusion, and you will find that the combo box is now closed, and it is
set to insert.

Now, all you do is go to ok and click it. You will be returned to the key
mapping dialog, where the list of keystrokes can be found. Now, you should
have 3 mappings. One for command to become alt, one for option and windows
logo, and a third for accent, that is now remapped to insert inside any
fusion virtual machine.

If you want to give yourself a num lock toggle, that can be achieved the
same way you created your insert key. Let's say you want to toggled your num
lock with control shift f12. So, first click add, then in the from, field,
click, for example, the control and the shift box, go to the first combo,
select f12, move to the second combo in the to, field, and select numlock
from there. Again, don't forget to open the box, walk to numlock, command
tab away and then back into fusion, and hit okay.
This is what you need to do in the first tab sheet of the fusion keyboard
and mouse dialog, and as I said, it was quite a story.

We're not done yet. In the second tab sheet, named mouse shortcuts, you can
tell fusion how you want to do a right click in windows. The mac only has a
normal mouse click, and not a separate left and a right one, so by default,
holding the control key and then pressing the mouse pad, a control click,
will perform a right mouse click in windows, as if you pressed the secondary
button. Nothing need to be changed here. Of course, you have your windows
shift f10 key combination as the keyboard equivalent of the right mouse
click. Furthermore, you can also create your own windows applications key,
normally near your arrows on a windows keyboard, the same way you created
your alt and windows keys above.

The third tab sheet, named fusion shortcuts, can make life a lot easier for
us, screenless folks. By default, if you're inside the virtual machine and
you happen to hit f12, f11 or another magic mac key that does something
under os10, then even if you are inside the vm, you will fly out of it, and
land somewhere where you will need to turn on voiceover, command tab back
into fusion, minimize windows with command control enter, move the voiceover
cursor to where it says progress bar because that's where windows shows up
minimized, turn off voice over with command f5, and finally enlarge windows
back to normal with command control enter, the same keystroke used to
minimize windows. A lot of work, and not funny if you discover that windows
no longer talks and you don't know which key you hit by accident.

So, what you do is, turn the checkbox off here that says: enable mac os
keyboard shortcuts. Now, if you accidentally hit f12 or f11, it won't mess
up things any longer. These keystrokes will instead be passed to windows,
and no longer to os10 disturbing your windows experience.

In the fourth tab sheet of this dialog, named fusion shortcuts, you can
enable and disable a number of key combinations that you can press when the
virtual windows machine is running, that affect fusion itself. You can mess
with these because there is a friendly restore to defaults button as well.
You will find a table here that you can interact with. On each line, a key
combination is listed, along with a checkbox to enable it. Here's a few

Full screen. You need this keystroke, to make windows full screen when it is
minimized. It is the control command enter to minimize and maximize windows,
as already mentioned. Make sure you have this checked.
There are nine others, and some of them I have turned off, for reasons
explained below.

Unity: this makes one space out of the windows desktop and the mac side. So
far, I have never used it in daily work, because I can't figure out how it
works. If you play with it and find out some benefits, please let us know. I
have this off, to avoid accidentally dropping into unity.

Also off are cycle through windows, and cycle through windows reverse. This
is because we can easily do this with voiceover, and I don't want to loose
keystrokes that may otherwise be used for jaws or NVDA commands.

Next is hide application. I have this off as well, because if you're in the
middle of a windows program and you want help, it is likely that you begin
by pressing alt h to open the help menu. But watch out for this one, because
if you don't turn off command h for the virtual machine, and remember that
alt and command are now the same key, then instead of opening the help menu
inside your windows program, you will instead hide fusion completely, and be
dropped into os10 where you don't have speech for the moment unless you turn
it on. I fell into this pit some 5 times until I realized what might be
going on here. Turning this key combination off resolved the issue. Now,
pressing alt h will nicely open the help menu in windows, and you will no
longer be kicked out.

Next, there is hide others. I have this off, because it does something to
os10 where I have no speech as long as I'm inside windows, and you want to
let windows get your keystrokes as much as possible.

The same goes for settings, the next key to turn off, which in fusion is
command e. I hear you thinking. Usually command comma is for settings.
Correct. However, command comma in fusion opens the general preferences for
all virtual machines and fusion, while command e, as in echo,  opens the
settings for your specific virtual machine. How many processor cores to
allocate it, how much ram etc. So, if windows wants you to press alt e, then
you don't want to speechlessly land into fusion settings. Rather, you want
the alt e command to run in windows. Turn this off.

The last key to turn of is command q for quit. Again, we don't have speech
outside fusion so we can safely turn this off, so that command q, or alt q
for windows, is available to windows and not to fusion or os10.

If you want to use sharp keys instead, let me know.

On Sep 5, 2011, at 9:47 AM, Hypnotic Consulting wrote:

> Ditto, very much appreciated Paul.
> Is anyone interested in doing a audio walk through? Or has anyone done
> Jorge
> -- 
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