Actually, it was deleting any message from all-male removes it from everywhere, 
including sent mail. Therefore, the messages you deleted from your all mail 
folder that had copies in the sent mail folder were also deleted.

David Chittenden, MSc, MRCAA
Mobile: +64 21 2288 288
Sent from my iPhone

> On 14 Feb 2014, at 19:24, Brian Fischler <> wrote:
> Oh God, I think I just realized why my messages are missing in the folders 
> where I had everything labeled/archived. I deleted permanently in gmail all 
> my sent messages as there was 10,000 and I am always emailing myself stuff 
> and then apply a label and put the email in the proper folder. Phone numbers 
> account log ins. Am I assuming correctly that the deleting of the sent mail 
> folder also overrode the label and folder I had moved the message in to? If 
> this is the case I am totally screwed as I had a ton of stuff saved. If this 
> is the case then this gmail problem with Mavericks totally screwed me. Not 
> sure why an email that I moved to folder a placed a label on it would only be 
> in the sent mail folder, you would think placing a label on it or archiving 
> it to a folder in gmail whatever they want to call it would take it out of 
> the sent mail folder. Can someone let me know if I totally screwed myself by 
> deleting the thousands of messages in the sent mail folder. I hope I am 
> wrong, but considering I checked the gmail app on the iPhone and the messages 
> I labeled and archived are gone from there to, I think I screwed myself.
> -- 
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