
Eero Tamminen wrote this on message "Re: [maemo-users] Issues with RC6 and 
Maemopad / Tutorial?" on Wednesday 23 November 2005 09:24

If you run Xephyr from inside the Scratchbox, it cannot access
the .Xauthority file in your home directory (on the host) so
that it could authenticate that you're the same user.

There are several different ways to get around this:
- Copy the ~/.Xauthority file to your Sbox home directory
- Use "xhost +localhost" outside Sbox
- Run your desktop X server without any access control using
  the -ac option (not recommended for obvious reasons :))
- Run Xephyr (which is inside Sbox) from outside the Sbox,
  this is easiest done with a script like at the bottom

The reason why Xephyr can connect your desktop X server from
inside the Sbox even with normal unix socket is that Sbox
shares the /tmp/ with the host system.  There's more information
about this on the Sbox site.

        - Eero

I think it's the most detailed explanation on this issue I have ever read on 
maemo lists ;)

On Thursday 29 December 2005 08:29, Edlinoor Syahril Ramlan wrote:
> Hi,
> I was trying to installed Maemo SDK in Suse Linux 9.1.  I followed all the
> instructions inside the tutorial and all work well until the part where I
> have to setup Xephyr.  I created one file as suggested in the manual and
> place it inside the / by using root.  I re-login by using the user that I
> created during the setup process and try to execute Xephyr by using this
> command: ./start-xephyr.sh &.
> Unfortunately it give me this error:
> Xephyr cannot open host display. Is DISPLAY set?
> I ignored the error and went on to procedd with the next section that is:
> export DISPLAY=:2
> af-sb-init.sh start
> Maemo doesn't start and I get these errors:
> sapwood-server[9864]: GLIB WARNING ** Gdk - cannot open display: (null)
> matchbox-vm: can't open display! check your DISPLAY variable.
> hildon-input-method[9884]: GLIB WARNING ** Gtk - cannot open display:
> maemo_af_desktop[9894]: GLIB WARNING ** Gtk - cannot open display:
> I really do not understand what's going on.  Need help please.
> Thanks.
> Ed.


        Eloi Crespillo Itchart
        ZEN Programari lliure i xarxes SLL
        www.ikuszen.com  | www.grupoikusnet.com
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