On Thu, Mar 30, 2006 at 10:52:28AM +0300, Kalle Vahlman wrote:
> On 3/30/06, John Meacham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> [snip memory rant and offensive remarks about the VKB]
> > So I whipped up a little X keyboard which uses a more reasonable tens of
> > k of RAM,
> So you "whipped up" handwriting and word prediction too? How cool!
> (hint: if you start dissing something, please at least look at its
> features before calling it demeaning names)

hrm? sorry, I was being tounge-in-cheek there a bit. no dissing
intended. hildon-input-method is certainly more powerful in many ways
than what I have in mind. I'd very much like to see input options
flourish though.

> > Also, what keeps respawning the hildon-input-method?
> I'd guess the dsmetool.

kay. I will look into that. 

there appears to be both a hildon-input-method.so shared module which I
am guessing is the gtk-immodule itself.  There is also the
hildon-input-method program which is always running in the background. I
take it the source to both of those is closed? (the version that comes
on the device that is). As far as I can tell, from observing X traffic,
the so module communicates with the already running input method
program. perhaps the so module could be modified to only start the input
method program when needed and kill it after some amount of inactivity?


John Meacham - ⑆repetae.net⑆john⑈
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