Great post Michele :)

> Another bigger limit is the amount of internal ram: so why not to have a
> simplified hildon-input method that free lot of ram for people who
> doesn't need the HWR (that I repeat, at the moment is totally useless
> for me), simply selectable via control panel?

I also wouldn't mind having this functionality. Or, how bad can it be
if we had some way to replace the vkb app with something else? I don't
care if it won't have HWR or even letters on the vkeys :P

> this tablet, it's a revolutionary product that I like a lot and I
> personally already convinced 4 friends of mine to buy one simply showing
> it 10 mins showing what it was capable to do (any commission or reward

I myself am one of three "friends" (one of us didn't even see the
device IRL) who got "convinced" by a friend, and he was using the
device mostly for ebooks.

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